
Gate 2025: So download the response key, response sheet of

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Gate 2025: IIT ROORKEE publish the provisional reply key on together with the candidates' response sheets.

Tor 2025: The exam took place on 1, 2nd, 15th and 16th February 2025.

Goal 2025 reply key: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) ROORKE will publish the response key for the graduates -Papture test in Engineering (Gate) 2025. While the exact publication date and the time for the provisional response key have not yet been announced, the candidates can download it from the official website 2025 at, as soon as it is available.

Together with the provisional response key, Iit Roorkee will also publish the response sheets of candidates who have appeared for the exam. In this way, the candidates can calculate their approximate ratings by comparing their response sheets with the response key. In addition, the candidates have the option of lifting objections to the provisional response key if they submit valid evidence.

Steps to download Gate 2025 Replicas and Answer Blat

Step 1: Visit the official website 2025:

Step 2: Click the link on the homepage to download the Gate 2025 answer key.

Step 3: A registration screen is displayed. Enter your login information to access your account.

Step 4: As soon as it has registered, the reply key and your response sheet is available for download.

Step 5: Download the Gate 2025Swer Key and the answer sheet

Step 6: Check the answers and calculate your reviews with the response key and the Respinse leaflet

The candidates may submit objections to the provisional response key together with the necessary evidence. Iit ROORKEE will check the objections and publish the final response key together with the results Gate 2025.

What is gate?

The examination of Gate 2025 carried out by IIT ROORKEE took place on 1st, 2nd, 15th and 16th, 16th, 2025 in CBT format (computer-aided test (CBT)). Gate is an exam at the national level that is used for admission to master and doctoral programs in engineering, technology, science, architecture and humanities as well as for employment in certain organizations of the public sector.

The Gate Scorecard remains valid for three years from the date of explaining the result.

Tor 2025: Exam pattern and negative marking

The types of questions include multiple -choice questions (MCQ), several selection questions (MSQ) and numerical answer type (NAT). In MCQS, only one of four options is correct.

In MSQs, one or more is correct than one of four options. And for NAT questions, the answer in the use of a virtual keyboard must be excluded. The candidates are only allowed to use the virtual calculator on the screen for their calculations.

Questions in the exam are either 1 mark or 2 points. Incorrect answers in multiple choice questions (MCQS) arise negative marking.

For a 1-brand MCQ, 1/3 brand is deducted for an incorrect answer.

For a 2-brand MCQ, 2/3 brand is deducted for an incorrect answer.

However, there is no negative marking for incorrect answers in several questions selected questions (MSQ) and numerical response type (NAT). In addition, a partial marker is not given for any question.

News educational career Gate 2025: So download the response key, response sheet of