
Gen z dating trend that abolish the “most cumbersome” level: “Really helps me”

The centuries-old search for love nowadays is much more difficult thanks to the sludge of online dating. And like many others, my best friend Molly was over it. She hadn't been on a date for almost two years, but was open to a relationship. When she poured her thoughts about a coffee to me one morning, I had the revolutionary idea that every friend had thrilled at one point in her life: “I will wipe you after you!”.

In a stroke of luck, I suggested downloading a new dating app called Hello Darling. I hadn't even used it, but in contrast to hinge or stroll, the app is based on the idea of ​​wiping for a friend. We created a profile and she brave me brave and a few selected others granted the authority to wipe. The dating experiment was on.

One of the largest sources of frustration in online dating is navigation in the “speaking stage” and gets stuck there without progress. In Molly's experience, she explained that the digital interactions often felt “insincere”. By handing over her profile, she also liked to wipe the hands of disappointment.


“I'm not a good copywriter. There is so much pressure in funny and good in small talk, then you have to do it again and again with new people, just to lose swing … I have drawn all these efforts in and nothing would happen,” she said, “she said,” Yahoo lifestyle.

“My friends, bless them, were much more proactive than me. It changed my perspective because I did not have to invest all the time, but was always pushed into the dating because my friends wiped for me.”

The author Sophie and friend Molly smile in a bar (left) in the camera and Molly makes a stupid face before eating a meal (right).

Wipe for my best friend. What could go wrong? Photo: delivery

  • The dater sets up his profile – selection of images and requests.

  • The dater gives up to three “godparents” the authority of authority.

  • The sponsors wipe after their dater.

  • As soon as there is a agreement, the data will be notified and asked to enter your availability for the next week.

  • Hello Darling selects a compatible day and books the venue for the date – somewhere in the middle of the two data carriers.

  • The data can have a little insight into your date or keep it anonymously.

  • Data can send up to three messages to your date before the big night.

  • After the date, the data cannot access the app again until you decide whether you want to follow a second date – the app has a strict “no ghosting” directive.

In a change of events that nobody surprised than Molly, she began to meet. And she enjoyed it. She immediately sat in front of men and women in places that were scattered in Sydney and she was … I dare to say I have fun?

“It felt like I was going to go traditional dating again … we would just meet,” she said. “Dating had felt like a dire duty in which I was not good, but because my best friend wiped for me, it was refreshing. I could meet someone personally and we would both find out about the date.”

After two years without dating, Molly was two appointments in a week. And like the strangely proud – and somewhat creepy – scene of Regina George's mother in Mean GirlsI was happy about you.

Molly holds a flower in the mirror (left) and poses with her boyfriend Jase (right) at dinner together. Molly holds a flower in the mirror (left) and poses with her boyfriend Jase (right) at dinner together.

Molly enjoyed the romance of the “traditional dating” on hello darling. Photo: delivery

Everything was fun and no dating games until Molly went with Jase on the first date of the six six. The couple met in a restaurant selected by Hello Darling and a flower was waiting for her on the table when she arrived.

“I was too late and stormed in. He was already waiting for me and he was probably the first person I met in a dating app that I thought: 'Yes, that's my type',” she said. “He had a little flower for me because it said in my profile that I was a florist … I think he chose it from a person's garden.”


The couple connected to its disillusion with online dating and their decision not to ask the standard questions into a first date. They have been together for nine months now and really fly the flag for the app.

“I seriously had a stigma in my head to meet someone online, but to experience a positive experience, who interested? I just helped to overcome my fear of dating and look forward to meeting people again.”

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