
Gene hackman death

Gene Hackman and Mrs. Betsy Arakawa found dead in their house in Santa Fe

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Gene Hackman was found dead in his house in Santa Fe together with his wife Betsy Arakawa (65) and one of her pet dogs dead at the age of 95.

According to a post -command of the police, the actor, his wife and dog were found in separate rooms and have seemed “dead” for some time. The couple suffered “no external trauma”, as the preliminary results of a medical examination found.

Sheriff Adan Mendoza announced that at a press conference in the Santa Fe County's office on Friday afternoon on Friday afternoon. Heather Jarrell, New Mexicos Chief Medical Investigator, had shown that Hackman's pacemaker had stopped 10 days before the body found.

“A first survey was carried out by Mr. Hackman's pacemaker. This showed that his last event was recorded on February 17, 2025. I was informed that a more thorough investigation will be completed,” said Mendoza.

When asked if that means Hackman died that day, he replied: “According to the pathologist, I think that this is a very good assumption that this was his last day of life.”

He also confirmed that both Hackman and Arakawa had negatively tested for carbon monoxide.

Adan Mendoza, Sheriff of Santa Fe County, first said that a foul was not suspected, although an affidavit has since “suspicious” for searching to require further investigations.

Despite earlier speculation, the document added that there was “no obvious signs of a gas leaf”.

The actor was one of the most popular stars in Hollywood and appeared in classic films like The French connection, The conversation And Superhuman.

He won Oscars for The French connection and Clint Eastwoods Irreconcilable and went out of the spotlight a few years after 2001 The royal Tenenbaumen.

Mel Brooks revealed how Hackman was occupied in “Young Frankenstein”

Mel Brooks remembered how Hackman was occupied in his comedy classic from 1974 Young FrankensteinWriting about X: “I had the privilege of knowing Gene Hackman because he played tennis with another gene – genes wilder. And this gene told him about a small role called Blind Hermit in our film Young Frankenstein.

“He said, 'Do you think Mel would let me play? I've always wanted to make a comedy. 'To say unnecessarily, I was overjoyed and he was perfect. “

Kevin PerryFebruary 28, 2025 01:05

Bill Murray says Hackman was “really difficult”

In an interview with the Associated Press, Bill Murray said his Royal Tenenbaumen Could be “rough” with young directors like Wes Anderson.

Murray said: “He was a hard nut, Gene Hackman, but he was really good and he was really difficult. We can say it now, but he was a hard guy because older great actors don't give young directors a great chance. They are really hard on them. “

Murray added: “He was great. He was a great actor. “

Kevin PerryFebruary 28, 2025 04:00

Tom Hanks shares concise Hackman tribute

((Getty pictures)))

On Instagram, Tom Hanks Hackman divided a short and sweet homage and wrote: “There has never been a” gene hackman type “. There were only genes Hackman. “

Kevin PerryFebruary 28, 2025 05:00

Dustin Hoffman calls Hackman: “A giant among the actors”

Dustin Hoffman estimated the “brilliant” Gene Hackman Tribute, whom he met as a teenager for the first time in the drama school.

The two acquired in the 1950s in the Pasadena Playhouse. They later played together in the 2003 film. Runaway jury.

“I met Gene in the drama school in Pasadena Playhouse when he was 27 years old and I was 19 years old. We played congas together on the roof and tried to be our hero Marlon Brando,” said Hoffman in an explanation.

Dustin Hoffman
Dustin Hoffman ((2017 Invision)))

“And Gene was like Brando because he brought our craft something unprecedented that people did not immediately understand as a genius,” added Hoffman. “He was excluded from our school after three months because he has no talent. It was the first time that they did it. He was so good. Powerful, subtle, brilliant. A giant among the actors. I miss him. “

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 08:45

Hectarer 911 call from maintenance man who found body

Audio was released from the maintenance man, the 911 called after he found Hackman and Arakawa's body

Gene Hackman Frantic 911 call from maintenance man who found body

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 09:45

The police offer insights into why heating was next to Arakawa's body

When examining the property, the police reported that in addition to Awakara's body, they found black room heating that was discovered in the bathroom.

In an explanation, “he advised that he suspected that the heating could fall if the woman fell abruptly to the ground”.

The report also found that he “observed an orange prescription bottle on the worktop near the deceased woman. The prescription bottle, which is subject to the work, appeared with pills that are scattered on the worktop”.

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 10:06

Tom Hanks tribute tribute

The Oscar winner wrote on Instagram: “There has never been a” Gene Hackman type “. There were only gene Hackman.”

Tom Hanks recognizes Hackman on Instagram
Tom Hanks recognizes Hackman on Instagram ((Instagram)))

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 10:15

Hackman's daughters who were seen for the first time since the father's death

Elizabeth and Leslie Hackman have been seen for the first time since the death of their father's death.

The siblings were seen as they went to a Denny's restaurant in Burank, California, but will probably be traveled to Santa Fe shortly as soon as the police have published further information.

Leslie said in an explanation: “We have to wait and find out the information from the police. We hadn't expected that we would go out there and have to go through the house and all of this.

“So we cut out a job for ourselves. But yes, we will go to New Mexico.”

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 10:16

Hackman's wife had put him strict diet

Doug Lanham, a close friend and former business partner of Hackman's, announced that Arakawa had brought the actor to a strict diet and his health was very serious.

Lanham told TMZ This hackman was only able to “sneak a fraudulent food” when they were on the go

Lanham, who was in the restaurant industry, said Hackman would either order the “halibut or rice paper salmon instead of a large steak” if he came to one of his facilities.

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 10:32

The Charlie Stay stay payment of BBC Breakfast according to the technical error in the gene Hackman report is excused

The examination was discussed in a pre -drawn segment BBC breakfastWith a photo of Hackman who concludes the report.

However, the picture of the Oscar winner remained on the screen, also as a Stayt to the next story of the program -a controversial BBC documentary about Gaza, which was told by the son of a Hamas leader.

“The BBC apologized for serious defects in the production of a documentary about the war in the Gaza,” Stayt began to say before he recognized the mistake.

“Sorry, just get us, um, this born and was aligned,” he said when the picture was taken from the screen.

Greg EvansFebruary 28, 2025 10:45