
Gene Hackman Death Update: Sheriff to keep a press conference on investigations

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On Friday, the authorities will reveal more details on their investigations into the death of the Hollywood star Gene Hackman and his wife Betsy Arakawa.

The couple's partially mummified bodies were discovered in February in their house in New Mexico together with the body of one of their dogs.

The tests for carbon monoxide poisoning were negative and the Santa Fe County's sheriff does not suspect a bad game.

Sheriff Adan Mendoza has planned a press conference for Friday afternoon together with state fire brigade, forensic and health officials to an update about the investigation.

The sheriff previously said that Hackman and Arakawa could have died up to fourteen days before the discovery of their bodies on February 26.

Hackman's pacemaker last showed activities on February 17th.

Arakawa's body was found with an open prescription bottle and pills that were scattered on the bathroom switch while Hackman's body was found in the entrance to the house.

A photo of Gene Hackman is displayed during the “In Memoriam” segment of the Oscars ceremony ((Reuters)))

One of the three dogs of the couple was found dead in a box in a bathroom cabinet near Arakawa. Two other dogs survived.

The authorities initially incorrectly identified the dead dog.

Medical investigators have worked to carry out toxicological reports and determine the cause of the couple's death. However, it could take weeks.

The authorities have accessed personal items from home, including a monthly planner and two mobile phones that are analyzed.

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When they were found, the bodies decomposed with some mummification, a sequence of body type and climate in Santa Fe, particularly dry air, the authorities said beforehand.

Hackman, a Hollywood icon, won two Oscars during a famous career in films, including The French connectionPresent Hoosiers And Superhuman from the 1960s to his retirement in the early 2000s.

Arakawa, born in Hawaii, studied as a concert pianist and visited the University of Southern California. She met Hackman in the 1980s when she worked in a California gym.

The couple's house of the couple's Pueblo revival style is located on a hill in a closed community on the Southern tip of the Rocky Mountains. Santa Fe is known as a refuge for celebrities, artists and authors.

Hackman dedicated a large part of his time in retirement to paint and write of novels that far away from Hollywood's social race track.

It served several years in the Board of Trustees of the Georgia O'keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, and he and his wife were investors in local companies.