
Genesee County takes into account the examination of personnel practices in road commission

Genesee County, Mi members of the district committee for Commissioners, you will also receive two years after the implementation of a factual finding on the same topic of discrimination complaints from County Road Commission employees.

On Wednesday, March 5, the Commissioners postponed a vote from the committee as to whether an independent company should be hired to investigate personnel practices in the Road Commission, and asked their lawyer for a written opinion on their options.

“This was an ongoing topic forever,” said Commissioner Martin Cousineau, D-Thetford TWP. “I don't know what the answer is, but at that point I think we owe it to the employees of the street commission and ourselves … to look at the topic …”

Commissioner Charles Winfrey, D-Flint, said that he received oral and written complaints from employees who need an impartial assessment of the street agency. He said the commissioners will need the assessment before deciding what to do next.

The Chairman of the Commission, Delrico Loyd, said that the commissioners require claims for retaliation and discrimination against taking a closer look and ensuring that the street commission follows the law.

The district commissioners appoint the five members of the Road Commission, but have no daily monitoring of their business or expenses.

After the selection, street commissioners make decisions about the budget and the staff of the agency, including the evaluation and hiring or discharge of your manager director.

In addition to the concerns of the employees, the street commission also heard complaints from residents who accused the agency to promote and tolerate racism.

The affected pastors for social actions in 2022 demanded the resignation of members of the Commission and said that two of their best black administrators were refused to advertise the advertising opportunities and the wage increases by similar white officials.

Officials from the street commission have previously incorrectly and misleading the allegations against them.

A spokeswoman for the County Road Commission refused to comment on the current discussion among the commissioners on Thursday, March 6th.

In 2022, the district commissioners carried out their own investigations of the symptoms of the street commission.

In 2023 Loyd, D-Flint and Commissioner Shaun Shumaker, R-Fenton TWP.

On Wednesday, the commissioners agreed to wait two weeks before deciding their next step.

The Commissioner Brian flew, R-Davison, he wanted to know that “if we have the legal authority to carry out this examination of a separate legal person.”

“This arises every few years,” said Fonwelling. “Whatever the problem there is, it has to stop.”

Loyd said the district had to prove that it had responded appropriately to complaints about retaliation and discrimination.

“We really have to carry out a non -limited, apolitical examination,” he said.

The district commissioners did not discuss potential attempts to remove members of the Road Commission – something for which they voted in 2019, but finally fell.

“It's not as easy as what some people think,” said Cousineau.

State law only provides for the removal of street representatives after they have been charged against them in writing and may appear to the charges in front of the district commissioners for a complete hearing.

The road commission is responsible for monitoring the construction and maintenance of country roads and bridges as well as the management of funds from gas and weight taxes.