
Get St. Patrick's Day Spirit early with Beer Run in Suwanees Bier Chaser 5k

In order to expand the fun, they are encouraged to dress in their best, most festive costume of St. Patrick's Day. The best individual and group costumes receive prices.

Stay after the race for sellers and eat and keep the fun at Stillfire Brewing's after party with live music, a beer car and 25 beers from the barrel. And you will be with a racing t-shirt, a medal and one Pilsner glass go home.

The beer chaSer 5k begins at 11 a.m. in the Suwanee Town Center Park, 330 Town Center Ave. before driving along the Suwanee Creek Greenway and ending in the park.

The registration, which includes a full beer at the end of the race, costs $ 60, or you can pay $ 70 to get the five 3-ounce beers during the race and a complete cast. The prices rise after Friday.

The beer -chaser 5K benefits Suwanee Kiwanis. Further information is available: 678-482-2270,