
Give the day set for Friday, March 21st

Give the day homepage

Slipery Rock, Pa. -The annual Slipery Rock University Giving Day will take place on Friday, March 21st and there are numerous ways to support the rock light athletics department and the SRU student athletes this year.

“Day Giving Day is an opportunity for our alumni and others who have a positive effect on their experiences with Slipery Rock to return something and to further improve the experience for the next generation of SRU students athletes” Roberta sideSRU light athletics director. “Our donors are such an important part of the success of our athletics program, and every contribution, no matter how big or small. Last year we were able to collect more than 289,000 US dollars on the day of the gives. Please consider gifting and reaching us again this year.”

Donors can make contributions to 17 different funds that support athletics at SRU and have the opportunity to donate to a certain SRU lighting athletics team. The team with the highest donated amount of money and the team with the most unique donors at the end of the day (11:59 p.m. Friday) receives an additional bonus of $ 1,000 from the SRU Foundation. You can find more information about each fund and instructions on choosing a specific fund below.

The Giving Day site is now live and already accepts donations. You can give a donation before the day by visiting one of the following links and clicking on the “Give Early Gift” button. You then use the dropdown menu “Select a name” to select the fund for which you want to donate. You can carry out your donation with a credit card, a Venmo or a PayPal.

All donations for athletics programs during the day are tax deductible.

Athletics provide daily challenges and games

  • All teams: The SRU Foundation will give the team an additional 1,000 US dollars on Friday, March 21, at 11:59 p.m., which collects most of the money.
  • All teams: The SRU Foundation will give the team an additional 1,000 US dollars on Friday, March 21, at 11:59 p.m., which have the most unique donors.
  • All teams: The SRU Foundation will give the first group an additional 1,000 US dollars, which generates 50 unique donors on March 21.

Instructions to donate

  • Visit a certain fund page that is linked below.
  • On this page on March 21, click the “Give” button or “Make your donation early” when you visit before March 21st.
  • Fill out the information on the donation page.
  • IMPORTANT: If you donate early when you receive the license plate, scroll down until you see the athletics option and click on “Athletics” to expand the menu. Choose the fund or team for which you want to name your donation.

Funds that influence athletics as a whole (Clink -Link of the Fund name)

  • Sporty communication: Donations will support the staff and operations that help the office for sporting communication to offer award-winning reporting on SRU light athletics, including more than 100 free live video programs from SRU sports events in the digital network of Rock Athletics Digital.
  • Rock Athletic Fund: General scholarship fund to support Slipery Rock Athletics and SRU student athletes. Do not use this fund for scholarship donations for a specific team or purpose.
  • Strength & conditioning: Donations will support the strength and conditioning program at SRU.

Individual team funds (Clink -Link of the Fund name)

To stay up to date with all of this, follow our official sporting communication accounts on “X” (formerly Twitter, @Rock_athletics), Facebook (Rock athletics) and Instagram (Rock athletics).