
Gourmet Dessert Shop finally defines the opening date in New Jersey

New Brunswick is getting much sweeter. The residents are spoiled with unique, delicious ice creams sandwiches.


The new location of the baking bears in the 72 Easton Ave. In New Brunswick, just a few blocks from Rutgers Campus.

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

Baking bear in New Brunswick, NJ, will be opened on March 8, 2025

If you have not yet heard of the baked bear, you offer delicacies that have been made from scratch, such as brownies, cookies and ice cream. But they are a little more fun.

You can mix and adapt the aromas of cookies, ice cream and coverings to prepare an individual ice cream sandwich that you have never experienced before.

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

The toppings include sprinkles, brownie bites, almonds, mini -m & ms, hot fudge, hot caramel and whipped cream.

For those affected: gluten -free cookies will be available.

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

What could make this messages even sweeter? The first customer chart get free ice cream biscuit -sandwiches.

Here is a look at what you can enjoy when you go:

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

For example, there is this that is filled with happy stimuli and crowned with a vanilla glaze:

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

Or the deliciously chaotic sinkconsisting of pretzels, potato chips and chocolate chunks

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

Traces of bears: Mini M & MS, SHRUSEL and OREOS

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

Or the Pistachien -Walnuss -Chunk Described as “perfect mix of crispy outdoor area and soft inside with sea salt.”

@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram


@Thebakedbar via Instagram

@Thebakedbear via Instagram

Here you can see the other locations in New Jersey.

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The above article reflects the thoughts and observations by Kylie Moore from New Jersey 101.5. All expressed opinions are Kylies of their own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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