
Grant meets the Litia family, learns about saints of the last day of the day.

“The Bachelor” season 29 Star Grant Ellis subsequently crossed the country on Monday evening to meet the families of his last four women.

He went to Boston, New York City, Chicago and Star Valley, Wyoming, where he has been around with a large group of saints of the past few days.

“I've never hit a Mormon. I don't really know. … it's new for me, ”said Ellis when he prepared for the date.

Ellis was in Wyoming with Litia Garr, a Salt Lake City candidate, who spoke to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the last few days throughout her time.

The episode of the last week marked the first time that she brought it directly with Ellis, and her comments triggered a long conversation about the faith.

“I want God to be part of my marriage. I want my children to grow up in a house in which they know that God loves them and that they are important and that their parents love them and that they could do nothing that would not be loved, ”said Garr, as Deseret News reported before.

Ellis then told her that he is traditionally not religious, but that he was based on God in his life and loves the idea of ​​raising religious children.

“So often God was always there for me,” he said.

“The Bachelor” date in Wyoming

During the episode on Monday, Garr Ellis asked again to consider how it would be to be part of a large family of the saints of the past few days before they met with their loved ones.

“Today he will have a more comprehensive look at what our religion looks like in our family. If he couldn't see himself in my family, that would be a dealbreaker, ”Garr told the camera.

Ellis admitted that he was nervous, partly because he is not with the holy traditions of the saints and partially familiar, and partly because he did not like how strictly his own mother went through faith during his childhood.

“My mother was really religious, really strict. I gave me such a close view. … it caused arguments, ”he said.

Ellis said Garr that he didn't know what he was to expect, but that he had an “open heart (and) open”.

“I don't know much about the Mormonian faith. But I go in there with an open way of thinking. The basis of your beliefs is what I think, so I think that there are similarities there. “

Litia Garr, Salt Lake City, is a new candidate for ABC's “The Bachelor” Starring Grant Ellis. The reality show is now in season 29. | Matt Sayles

After Garr and Ellis shared their nerves, they met Garr's mother, stepdad and brothers. They were then led to a party with Garr's extended family, including aunts, uncle and cousins.

The camera caught that Ellis lost some of Garr's relatives a tug and checked a “dirty” Soda bar.

“I have a lot of fun today. It is a unique experience in the eyes that is opened to me, ”said Ellis.

Litia Garr's family

During his hometown with Garr, Ellis had one to one with several of her loved ones.

Her mother and stepfather both calmed Ellis that they would welcome him with open arms if he wanted to build a life with her daughter.

“I hope you feel comfortable when you are with us. There is really no expectation from us. The core value that God is important and it will be important if you pull your family together – that's the most important thing, “said Garr's mother Maurie to Ellis.

“As long as he believes, has values ​​and treat my daughter with respect and love her, I will give him my full love,” Garr's stepfather Rob told the camera.

Garr's father died in a car accident when she was a baby. He came from Fiji and during the Wyoming date, Garr spoke to her grandpa about what it was like for the family to welcome someone who didn't look like it.

Her grandpa said that her father was easy to love and that love counts at the end of the day.

During her own one-to-one meeting with her mother, Garr spoke that she was afraid to let Ellis know how she feels and is afraid to trust that he will take care of her heart.

But at the end of the day she was ready to make the jump. She said that “signs and confirmations” during the Wyoming date showed her that Ellis is a “safe space”.

Garr said Ellis that she fell in love with him and said Ellis that he felt the same way.

“I think our connection is really strong and only reinforced it today,” said Ellis at the end of her date in the hometown.

Garr later received one of the three roses that were subsequently given on Monday.

“The Bachelor” updates

After his day in Wyoming, Ellis went to Chicago to be a hometown date with Dina Lupancu-and the focus was again on the tension in connection with faith.

Lupancu revealed that none of her family members would take part in the episode, partly because of their religious beliefs about dating and marriage.

Lupancu and Ellis met with some friends of Lupancus instead of their parents and siblings.