
Grant Thompson resigns as a Niceville boss -football coach

Panama City, Florida (WJHG/WECP) -Ses gives coaching change at the Nizzaville High School. Head coach Grant Thompson announces on Wednesday via social media that he is resigning as head coach of the Eagles. In his explanation of X, he called it a difficult decision to end his six -year term as head coach of his Alma Mater, and added that these were the best six years of his life. Thompson wrote that it was a blessing to build great relationships with everyone who surrounded the program. He thanked the administrators, the teachers, his coaching team and all the players he trained thanked the administrators from Nizzenville. Then he thanked his family and ended everything with Niceville football forever in my heart. Grant's statement did not say what his next career step will look like. Thompson's record of 64-10 with six state playoff appearances. This season the team was 12-2 and made it to the 5a State semi-final. Grant's departure will certainly trigger speculation about the future of the head coach of Mosley, Tommy Joe Whiddon, who is Niceville graduate in 2003. Tommy Joe, the quarterback when he played for the Eagles, was Thompson his center. Of course, Whiddons is proven that he is a high -ranking coach in Mosley. And would be an obvious starting point for Niceville's search. I have contacted coach Whiddon, but not yet heard, what, if at all, if there are any interest in this job?

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