
Gretna Police Heavy suspect suspects at the Fatal Stafford Street Fatal Stafford

Ems replied and began with the treatment of the victim, which was then brought to the university clinic, where he later died.

Gretna, La. – The Gretna police arrest a man because he fatally shot another man on Saturday evening.

Gretna's police said that the officials had replied to a disorder in the 2100 block of Stafford Street in Gretna.

While the officers were there, another emergency call came through that someone had been shot on site and that the suspect was still on site.

On site, Joshua Carter (36) found on the sidewalk and suffered from a gunshot wound on the chest.

Ems replied and began with the treatment of the victim, which was then brought to the university clinic, where he later died.

The officers arrested the suspect Scott Fredericks (58), who was still on site and was in the possession of a firearm, said investigators.

He was booked with a second degree murder. The examination continues.

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