
Grimes County creates a temporary trial date for the suspect of the mass shooter in 2021 until the mental rating is present

Brazos Valley, Texas (KBTX) – The movement started again this week in the trial of Larry Bollin, a man from Bryan who was accused of shooting from 2021 at his job. He was decided to go to trial in Brazos County at the beginning of this week, and now Grimes County has the next play of play.

Bollin's case has been standing standing since the standstill, since health officers have not been competent to be in court hearing in 2023. He was treated in a state hospital and has since been considered competent enough to go to court in Brazos County.

He looks like a murder suspicion, an attempted capital murder and several severe attack counts. Since there are charges against him both in the counties of Brazos and in Grimes, the two counties go separately with legal proceedings.

“I know that June is really a reality and when judges [Kyle] Hawthorne just set it in July. I look at August. This is my thought that is the middle. Either the 12th or the 19th hiring of this procedure, ”Grimes County judge David Mooran told KBTX.

The Brazo County judge Hawthorne has set Bollin's negotiation date for July 14th and now follows Grimes County's lawsuit, but has planned a hearing before the procedure for May 9th.

Bollin's defense lawyer Frank Blazek said that the court could continue with an independent expert with a psychological assessment of Bollin.

“The Court of Justice has instructed a psychological assessment of an independent expert to evaluate the defendant for the purposes of this mad defense. My memory is that this was not achieved because the accused was not competent at that time. I would suggest that the court appoints an independent expert who evaluates him to defend reason that I believe that she will be asked by the code at some point, ”explained Blazek.

Judge Moorman said he would find and appoint the experts to evaluate Bollin before hearing on May 9th so that they can then discuss the results if necessary.

“I will find someone and I will appoint, and hopefully we can achieve where we have this report in front of the ninth so that both sides want to do a little further to make a relief easier,” added judge Mooran.