
Hamas publishes a video of liberated Geisel Isiir Horn and his brother Eisan, still in Capti

Hamas published a video on Saturday Freed Israeli Geisel Isiir Horn In addition to his brother Eisan, who stays in captivity, apparently her last moments together in front of Isiir's release. The film material also shows another earlier Geisel, Agui Decel -chen, which was freed with ISIIR.

At the request of the hosts and missing families, the video or part of it is only published with the consent of the family.

Brothers Eisan and Isiir Horn presented in the Hamas propaganda videos

Iair Horn, who was held by Hamas for 489 days Family burial of the Bibas familywhose corpses were returned from Gaza last week.

“I was kidnapped on October 7th and after 498 days I was released from Hamas' captivity,” he said. “I would like to thank all those who are in favor and work to bring the hostages home. Your efforts are important – the fact that I am here today proves that.”

Horn, visibly emotional, emphasized that his freedom remains incomplete as long as others are still captive.

“I am here, but 63 hostages are not – agree, my younger brother Eisan Horn. Until he and the others return, I won't really be here. Maybe my body, but not my soul,” he said.

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העברת יאיר הורן, שגיא דקל חן וסשה וסשה לצלב לצלבהעברת יאיר הורן, שגיא דקל חן וסשה וסשה לצלב לצלב

Isiir Horn released from Hamas captivity

((Photo: Eyad Baba / AFP)))

Horn fought the tears back and described his time in captivity and the strong contrast to life outside. “This is the first time in 498 days that I have been under the sun for so long. I didn't have the privilege of breathing fresh air. While we are here, enjoying the sun – or taken for granted – there are hostages that still have difficulties.”

He pushed immediate measures for a second phase of the Geisel deal. “There is no time. A second phase has to be signed to bring them back now. I stand before they know exactly what they are going through. The hostages have no time – we have to bring them home now. Help me back my little brother Eisan.”