
Hamilton Co. EMA offers tips on preparing for storms on weekends | Local news

While the crews do not prepare and deal with storm damage that we may get, it is important that you know what to do to protect yourself and others, because when storms, it is not worth the risk.

“Many people say: 'Oh, you know, we had storms before and it turned out that it is nothing.' That is very good.

If your district is not listed, contact emergency management where you live.

According to Maxwell, preparation is a personal responsibility in advance, which means having a plan for you and your family. This includes all of your loved ones – Maxwell says, if you have pets outside, bring them into the house.

Maxwell recommends putting together a “go” bag with non -perishable foods such as peanut butter, crackers or canned food as well as a flashlight and additional batteries.

She also says that she should remember personal items that you may need, e.g. B. a toothbrush, toothpaste and recipes.

Tennessee Valley tension for storms: EPB preparation for the reaction

The company is ready to react quickly to all failures caused by the storms.

Maxwell reminds people of packing important documents such as their driver's license, insurance papers or medical records.

Maxwell encourages you to find a safe place in your home and to stay up to date with weather warnings.

If the strength goes out and you have to use a generator, make sure it is outside and away from the house, not in a garage.

“These vapors could travel in the house if it is in a garage or even in the house, and these vapors could either generate an illness or kill them,” she says.

Maxwell says that there is a high opportunity to destroy property, but wants to remember that the local officials are on standby in the event of a storm loss or in an emergency.

She says our personal security has its first priority.

“Life are more important, so we want to make sure that your life is protected and safe,” she says.

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