
Happy National Pi (e) day, America when we look back on the British cake week 2025!

The first cakes appeared in the Egyptian Neolithic period or the new Stone Age around 9500 BC. Chr. Whether you bake or cook or exchange ideas, National Cake Day Ultimately, it is about enjoying cakes.

While it is technically the day to celebrate the mathematical constant as a “PI”, you can never have enough cakes, be it American or British, no matter where they are and whether they are a fan of traditional American cake or British cake National Pi (e) day Unfortunately we are here in the USA Jelly spotting The readers with their last colleagues in Great Britain are a bit behind us British cake week 2025 From March 3 to March 9th and we only have a day when you have a whole week...Grab a fork and ditch, Time is a waste!

What better time than the present to start today's celebration and to compose our own individual favorite variation of the traditional American cake. Most, if not the entire celebration that will take place in the United States today, revolves around the traditional apple, the pecanny, the pumpkin, the cherry or one of several different cream cakes. British cake week Is of particular interest to me, since every week in which Shepherd's cake is celebrating the number 1 in my book.

For those who believe that cakes are one of the best inventions of civilization and is at the center of the universe, we would be happy to know how they decided to celebrate the national cake day, or how they will celebrate the latest British cake week … and we would love pictures that publish their exploits and/or creations.

Me? While at some point I will predict a piece of pink adobe French Apple in my future, I have to precede Gordon Ramsay's brilliant shepherd cake. Full disclosure, I took a little longer than 1:46 to do, but on the other hand I am not Gordon Ramsay. If you want to try this out at home, here is the recipe and the video.

In 2016 there was a controversial dust, when a British pastries, of all people, won the overall cake competition – a beef shock and a vegetable pasty by AF Huddleston Metzgers, as critics of the judges said it was “…A sad day for cake fans worldwide“. Fortunately, cooler heads have prevailed this year. Click Here For a full list of the British Pie Week winners 2025.

And what would the celebration be without an excursion to the oldest and best known eel and cake house Londons, Maches – “The home of Pie 'n' Mash”. The last time we visited was in 2010 during a day off to film our PBS special for the authors of the British comedy.

Manzes was founded in 1902 and is the oldest Eel & Pie shop, which was still on business in the 87 Tower Bridge Road. I know they say to themselves “” “… how many can of course exist, it must be the oldest”. Well, once there were 14 with the name Manzes on the door. This original location of the Tower Bridge Road has held out, and when you consider that the business next door was completely bombed during the Second World War and that the Ozes had blown out its front facade, this award assumes a small additional meaning.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the nerve to order the geled eels and cakes and stayed with cakes and porridge. I will save this for another day on which I really need a big distraction. Actually, I try to reduce as much as possible to eel anyway. In any case, a “happy pi (e) day” to everyone.

Remember no matter where you are today, “It's only the cake” … even if it is a turmeric Pi (e). Don't forget to send pictures of how you celebrated or from your creations. We will publish them on the publication Tellyspotting Flickr page To see for the whole world.

In: Odds & Sods