
Health professions share tips on fighting storm fear

Tuscaloosa, ala. – The storm is approaching that the residents of Tuscaloosa shared their concerns about the weather. A disease officially known as astraphobia is based on the fear of thunder and lightning, and medical specialists emphasize the importance of communication to manage them.

Billy Bush, a resident of Tuscaloosa, expressed his concerns and said: “Things that are broken, things like glass and windows that make me nervous and we have a lot of animals in our house.”

Ashley Stines, a nurse in the Maude Whatley Health Center, shared her standby strategy. “I will make sure that I have my weather radio, I will have my candles, my refrigerator will be fully equipped, I will have my not perishable objects and so I can calm it down,” she said.

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Stines emphasized that the preparation and recommended journalation and use of candles, especially those with a lavender smell, to combat the fear of the storms. “It is one of the fragrances that has shown research that it is able to calm her fear,” said Stines.

For children, especially those who are sensitive, Michaela Stephens, a nurse in the family near Maude Whatley, suggested using headphones to alleviate loud noises and practice deep breathing techniques.

The memory of the 2011 Tornado still remains in Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa and makes it particularly difficult for some residents.