
Hearing packaging: Mayor of the Sanctuary refuse to change the guidelines that hinder the enforcement of federal immigration and protect dangerous criminal foreigners

Washington – The house committee for surveillance and government reform today held a complete hearing of the committee entitled “A hearing with mayors of the city”. The members emphasized how the Biden-Harris government created the worst border crisis in American history. Since taking office, President Donald Trump has acted quickly to promise his promise to restore the rule of law and to secure the border. During the hearing, the Mayor of Chicago, Denver, New York City and Boston, refused to denounce the ruthless guidelines of their cities, including their civil servants, including those in law enforcement and public security roles, to share information with the Federal Government on criminal illegal foreigners in local imprisonment or to immigration and to immigration -investment. The members emphasized that the congress should not allow these guidelines to further endanger the American communities. They came to the conclusion that the congress should also begin with the evaluation of the federal financing, which were assigned to the sanctuary cities, and that mayor who oppose themselves opposes federal immigration law.

Most important snack:

During the hearing, the mayors of Boston, Chicago and Denver refused to change the ruthless sanctuary guidelines of their cities that hinder the efforts of the immigration authorities of the federal immigration authorities to remove criminals from the United States. The Mayor of New York signaled that he was considering how he should work more with ice cream, but more cooperation is required.

Potentially violating the federal law and the involvement of illegal illegal aliens endanger the security of all Americans across the country and use the federal immigration authorities a higher risk.

President Donald Trump admits his promise to secure the border and enforce the United States immigration laws. The congress must increase the efforts of the Trump government and do not allow the taxpayer to prioritize criminal foreigners from the American people.

Members of highlights:

The chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) Explained that the policy of the Biden-Harris government could pour millions of non-aborted illegal foreigners into the United States. The city leaders of the Sanctuary now stand in the way of President Trump's mission to protect the American people and to restore the integrity of the US immigration system.

Rep. Comer: “The border crisis was not the result of climate change, the lack of resources or the failure to grant amnesty. It was the result of the deliberate decision of the last government. If sanctuary cities simply communicate and work together with the federal immigration authorities, federal agents could arrest criminal illegal foreigners in a safe environment such as the state or local prisons. Instead, you have to risk your own security and public security by having to enter into unsafe, dangerous circumstances to make arrests. “

During the hearing, the chairman Comer pushed the mayors of Chicago, Boston, New York City and Denver on their ruthless Sanctuary City guidelines. He listed examples in which the described, such as criminals, illegal aliens who enjoy a refuge status in their cities, were able to harm the public. During the survey, the mayors confirmed that they did not work with many inquiries to transfer criminal illegal foreigners to federal custody.

Rep. Comer: “Last year raped and impregnated in a suburb in Boston, an illegal alien his 14-year-old daughter, while he lived in protection for illegal foreigners. In Chicago, an illegal alien who is a suspected member of a violent foreign gang was brought into custody because of his potential participation. He was released when Cook County refused to file charges. This illegal alien is also charged with his former girlfriend's kidnapping and sexual attacks last year. Now he's on the street.

“Last summer, an illegal extraterrestrial girl violently raped a 14-year-old girl. He hid in Denver until the local law enforcement authorities were able to grasp him months later … On December 22, 2024, a group of illegal foreigners tried to rob and beat a 69-year-old homeless person in New York City. “

MP Jim Jordan (R-OHIO) stated how Denvers sanctuary policy endangers the federal law enforcement authorities if they are forced to be arrested on the street instead of taking up the criminal extraterrestrials within the safe limits of the local prison.

Rep. Jordan: “Abraham Gonzalez is a Venezuelan gang member arrested by Border Patrol on September 20, 2023. Released from the bidges to the country. A few months later he is arrested in Denver and charged with serious bodily harm. On March 11, 2024, he was charged with motor vehicle theft and stolen a car. And then Mr. Gonzalez will be charged on March 20, 2024 for the threat of crime. Six days after this last fee, ICE sent them a prisoner with an administrative order. Basically, if you want to publish this villain, this gang member, who supposedly stolen a car, threatened and attacked people, give us up 48 hours. Is that correct? Refreshes your memory? … have you had it for how long in your care? “

Mayor Johnston: “I know that we have released him …”

Rep. Jordan: “They had him in custody for 345 days. And Ice said hey, can you give us 48 hours of minds? You gave you an hour … A civil servant was attacked because of your guideline, which says that we will publish it on the street in your words, not mine. You have to set it in a parking lot. They bring six officers with them, where they had had one or two in their facility in prison and can simply bring the guy there. But you won't do it that way. “

MP Lauren Boebert (R-Colo) emphasized that Denver under the direction of the mayor Johnston did not work with the efforts to enforce the immigration authorities for criminal illegal foreigners.

Rep. Boebert: “In 2017, Denver passed a regulation that ensured that every employee of the city who spoke to the federal immigration authorities would be dismissed, among other things, that led to the fact that local and national media are described as a protective area. Would you join me today to remove that this law would be lifted? “

Mayor Johnston: “I don't think the Liability Act should be changed …”

Rep. Boebert: “You accuse the state, but will you not support the cancellation? The local law enforcement authorities cannot coordinate with ice cream. It is unfortunate that they do not agree with me to urge this cancellation. ”

Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) Also threw to the city's mayors because they had not maintained their responsibility for the protection of the Americans living in their cities.

Rep. Higgins: “The guidelines of these mayors and our former president have consequences and consequences in real life. Today I have a family here that has lost a beautiful loved one. This young man was killed by an illegal immigrant in Texas who should never have been in our country. He will never be here to educate his daughter Ann Marie to love and appreciate and honor his beautiful wife Olivia and to keep it up. And they may have a responsibility, not only for their communities and the citizens they swore, but also to serve for the entire republic. We had enough. America is fed up with this betrayal of oath and they are held accountable. This young man will never return to his family and he should never have been removed from his family. America changes to a new era of enforcing our own laws. Welcome. “

Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) Pointed out that hard-working Americans who live in Chicago and other sanctuary cities who finance the services for illegal extraterrestrials.

Rep. Perry: “The inhabitants of Chicago reported 28,443 violent crimes in 2024, with cases of severe attacks at the highest level for two decades. State funds have now also been exhibited 160 million US dollars for illegal alien workstations in Chicago. You are the mayor of Chicago. Do you think that your residents or the residents of your state should pay more than you should pay for your own needs, such as your own streets, your own public security? I mean, who chose you? The people who were legally illegal, whether they were sent to them or not, or the people who live in Chicago? Who do you serve? “

Mayor Johnson: “The people of Chicago chose me as the 57th Mayor of the City of Chicago, and we serve all residents of the city of Chicago.”

Rep. Perry: “Illegal or not? Criminal or not? How many of the 662,566 illegal foreigners with criminal stories that ICE reported now live in Chicago? “

Major Johnson: “Someone would have to come back with this number …”

MP Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) Learned how the mayors of the Sanctuary City in Chicago, Boston, New York City and Denver violate several federal laws.

Rep. Biggs: “Well, I know that you all understand that a civil regulation is a civil order, and that means that none of you and none of your agencies in your communities will communicate someone or go on through someone in whom there is an iron -remover. They allow people who have a distance order who had a proper procedure and allow them to stay in the country. You have violated this law of this law [Points to Law]. They violate this law. And you have to start recognizing how your fault is. And we really talk about that here. “

Read more:

Comer: Sanctuary City Policies only create sanctuaries for criminals