
Hit against the grizzlies

Irvine, California – The Golden Eagles dominated the Adams State Grizzlies today to play both sides of the field.

To do the task on the defensive side of the field is what the crime has, and the Golden eagles did it factual today. Cui stopped the grizzlies throughout the first half and only allowed 10 shots on the goal of Golden Eagles.

Cui used the defensive side of the ball and also took over in the FO category. The Golden Eagles maintained 19-25 FOS and were able to thrive on the offensive side. A hat trick was recorded in the game of Cuis today Chad McFaddenwho scored four goals in the game.

At the end of the competition, when the last buzzer sounded, the Golden Eagles crushed the grizzlies of Adams State in their 19: 2 greatest season.

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