
Hopewell Furnace is looking for submissions to write the independence day

By Hopewell Furnace National Historic Sea

Photo with the kind permission of Andrew Neel on Unplash

The pupils in grades 6-12 have the chance to win a cash award-in this year's writing competition of the Independence Day. Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site In cooperation with the Friends of Hopewell -Furnace, from now on until Sunday, April 20, essay will accept. The winners have the chance to read their essays in Hopewell Furnace's Independence Day loudly on July 4th.

The competition is open to all students in classes 6-12, attend public or private schools or attend home school within the borders of the following local school districts: Antetam, Boyertown, Coatesville, Daniel Boone, Downingtown, Exeter, governor Mifflin, Oley Valley, Owen J. Roberts, Phoenixville, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Potting, Pottstown, Withy, Woby, Woby, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs, Mögs.

This year the students answer the following command prompt: What is your Striving for happiness? The students in grades 9 to 12 can submit essays with 500 words or less. Students in grades 6-8 can submit essays with 300 words or less.

Students should submit their articles to: If you have no access to emails, you can receive or send a paper copy of your essay to 2 Mark Bird Ln., Elverson, PA 19520, in C/O “Writing competition”.

A jury jury will check the essays, with the top three of each class cash awards of 125 US dollars for first place, $ 100 for second place and 75 US dollars for third place. The three most important selection groups of each class (6-8 and 9-12) are also invited to take part in the public program of the park on Independence Day on July 4th. The submissions are due until Sunday, April 20. For more information, see the park website at