
How to watch 'i am Luke Perry' Reality -Special for free on the CW

The actor Luke Perry will be the subject of a new documentary that is broadcast on the CW. Watch the premiere of “I am Luke Perry“On Saturday, March 1, 8 p.m..

Stream it for free With a attempt by Fubo or Directing.

About the show:

The actor Luke Perry has become a fan favorite for decades and started as Dylan McKay on “Beverly Hills, 90210”. In his late career, he was part of the early seasons of “Riverdale”, like Fred Andrews, the father of KJ Appas character. He died in March 2019.

I am Luke Perry”Celebrates the life of a talenting talent for generations from modest roots that emerged from the dark in Kleinstadt in order to become a Hollywood heartbeat and a pop culture icon.

Set Tonight, March 1stto learn more about his career and effects. The show is broadcast around 8/7c on the CW.

Where can you watch the CW:

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