
HPHS player, Park District cuddles for the free girls football clinic

Girls Football grown the Highland Park High School high school in February.

The Park District of Highland Park merged on Monday, February 17, with the football programs of the schools (girls and boys). This is the second year in which the Park District offered the program, and the sports director Troy Hoffman said that it should be interested in sport and young players “early with the high school program”.

Several Giants student athletes helped to lead exercises and scrimmages for about 40 native girls.

The Giants Junior Emery Duenow hurls with a group of girls during a scrimmage.

From last autumn, the high school girl's flag football competed under the roof of the IHSA. Highland Park was one of the approximately 200 teams across the state that played in the first season.

Senior Lucy Compher joined the HPHS team as the first football player and said it was important for her and her teammates to appear on Monday.

“I have the feeling that it is so important for the younger generation of girls,” she said. “… it is important that we represent ourselves in the program and it's an opportunity for you now.”

Participants and HPHS girl football players at the end of the clinic.

Emery Duenow, the football player of the junior and colleagues, also wanted to support the youth players in the community and the growth of the game.

Another giant, Lydia Rowe, said the sport really felt like a community this year, and the event is on the latest and “authorized” younger players as on Monday to “participate in something new”.

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