
Idaho State Police's factual work work leads to the arrest of the shooting in January

According to Idaho State Police, 3 dispatchers were able to identify a suspect with limited evidence, and the soldiers made an arrest within one hour after the reported shootings.

Coeur d'Aleene, Idaho-Drei ISP-Dispatcher from Idaho State Police (ISP) are recognized for their investigation work, which after a shootout in January on the I-90 near the border between Washington-Idaho.

ISP says at 9:30 p.m. on January 8th, a woman named ISP Regional Dispatch Center to report that someone shot her while driving on the I-90. The dispatcher instructed it to a safe place to wait for law enforcement.

When a soldier arrived, he confirmed a bullet hole in the passenger side of her vehicle, but the only evidence was a blurry photo of the vehicle of the suspect and the moving man.

Despite the limited information, the ISP dispatcher Jamietyn Rupe, Parker Cooley and Haley Shields used their investigative skills and checked video material with several internal tools and searched for a vehicle that corresponded to the image.

While there were several potential matches, further analyzes indicated that the timing was eliminated and Schilde had redirected the focus of the examination, which prompted Rupe to discover a vehicle that drives to the east on the I-90 in the Beck Road camera.

Rupe was able to follow the registered owner of the car to an older woman from Cocolalla. Although the owner was not described with the suspect, a review of previous reports showed that she had a son with a history of unpredictable and violent behavior.

According to the ISP, reports showed that the son had previously shown paranoid tendencies, exposed to violence and ruthless driving. Rupe recognized the importance of the information and provided the information at ISP -Troopers.

ISP soldiers then worked with the police department of Coeur d'Alene and went to the man's speech. ISP says the man has approved the crime and took it in custody. In a later interview, he also admitted a long history of swiveling firearms and doing violent acts.

“Without the incredible work of the dispatcher, we would not have identified the suspicious vehicle and ultimately arrested a suspect within an hour. It is invaluable to have experts in your team who use tools, resources and sheer investigative inspection to influence a case like this, ”said ISP corporal Daniel Taylor.

Taylor also noted that law enforcement without rupes would not have been able to identify the suspects in a blurred image.

“In view of the long history of the man of violence and threats, he would have done this again with potentially fatal results,” said Taylor.

Jamielyn Rupe received the Distinguished Achievement Award for her extraordinary work, while Parker Cooley and Haley Shields were awarded crucial data for their outstanding teamwork for their outstanding teamwork.