
If you repair licks in your house, you can save water and money

Are you looking for ways to save money in the house? Check your taps and devices for water leaks that you may cost. Nobody wants to pay for something he doesn't use. That is why it is important for the residents to look for water leaks in their house.

Even the small leak can cause a large water bill. A leak that is only half the size of a pencil rubber can cost $ 15 per day. If it is not set within one year, this water leak can cost more than 5,000 US dollars.

Toilet problems

“An average home can waste more than 26,000 liters of water every year because water leaks that you may not know,” said Rob Carroll, water planning engineer of the city of Winnipeg.

“Most leaks appear in the bathroom and the main culprit is usually the toilet.”

The most common cause of a toilet leak is a worn flap valve. The rubber ball valve will be decreased over time and should be replaced every five years.

If you are not sure whether your toilet leaves or not, you can carry out a simple test. Put a few drops of food coloring in your toilet container and wait 15 minutes. If the water in the toilet bowl has changed the color during this time, your toilet has a leak.

Other problem areas

Other frequent sources for leaks are dripping taps and pipe fittings. Water on the outside of a pipe can indicate that the pipe has created a leak.

“One of the best ways to keep an eye on your water consumption is to read your water knife regularly,” said Carroll.

Use your water knife

The use of your water knife to check for a leak is simple. Switch off all water consumption devices and taps in your house and then take off a water knife. Do not use water for two hours and take another measuring device. If the measuring device has moved after this time, you may have a leak.

A licensed plumber can also help to locate and repair water leaks in your house.

Do you need a memory?

Plan to Lecks if you receive your quarterly energy supply bill. To learn more about your water consumption, you will receive your utility calculations online and visit more

Quote on March 18, 2019