
In Jefferson County, Mon.

Jefferson County, Mon. (KFVS) – In Jefferson County, Missouri, an examination of a fatal shootout for the official has been carried out.

According to Jefferson County's office, the sheriff office, the MPs were called for a report on a man at 9:30 p.m. on Monday, March 3, who knocked on the door of a house on the 8100 block of the Old Highway 21 north of Hillsboro.

When the MPs arrived, the sheriff's office said that a man had a pistol on his head.

The MPs then called for backup employees, including those with crisis intervention training.

The members who arrived on site in the next three hours included the team of the sheriff bureaucris negotiation team and the reaction team of the mental health crisis to de-escalate the situation.

Shortly after 12 noon, the sheriff's office said that the man had fired a pistol against the MPs who had brought the fire back.

The man was hit and taken to a hospital in which he died. His identity will not be published at this time.

No MPs were injured.

The investigators reported that they recovered a pistol and discovered several other weapons in a vehicle from which they believed that the man had driven to the scene.

The old Highway 21 between the exit of the Schenk Road and the Tower Road is closed for the examination. From 4:05 a.m. On Tuesday, the Sheriff office announced that the road will probably be closed for hours.

The sheriff of Jefferson County, Dave Marshak, said that no further information would be published at that time because the examination is in the early stages and has not yet been completed.