
Incident in Smyrna | Latest news

Smyrna, de – The Delaware State Police is examining a shootout that comes from a “rage of street” on Friday evening on Route 1 in Kent County.

On Friday, March 14th, around 8:43 p.m., soldiers of the Delaware State Police reacted to Route 1 towards the south in the area of ​​exit 119 to report the report on a street shooting.

A first examination showed that an Infiniti sedan was in a road edge with a pickup truck on the Route 1. DSP. During the incident, the suspect's vehicle collided with the back of the victim's vehicle. Then the suspect drove parallel to the victim's vehicle and released a firearm from the (suspicious) vehicle and hit the victim's vehicle.

The driver of the limousine, a 27-year-old man of Delaware and 2 passengers were not injured in the incident. DSP said the suspect's vehicle had not stopped and continued south on Route 1.

At this point there is no additional information about the suspect's vehicle.

The incident is examined. DSP asks everyone with information about the vehicles or the witness of the incident to contact them under 302-365-8446.