India Post GDS result 2025: India Post has announced that the Merit list for the recruitment of Gramin DAK Sevak (GDS) in 2025 will be released shortly. The result of the 21,413 GDS posts is expected to be available on the official website Since the link of the GDS application status has already been activated in the portal, the candidates can check the status of their applications before the earnings list is published.
The India Post GDS recruitment does not require an exam. Instead, the selection is based on a earnings list made from class 10 candidates. The earnings list is created in a circular format and you can download candidates directly from the official website.
Steps to check the application status
In order to check the application status, the candidates must follow a simple procedure. Here are the steps:
1. Visit the official website:
2. Click the Link India Post Gds Application Status.
3. Enter the registration number.
4. The India Post GDS application status PDF is displayed on the screen.
5. Save the PDF and use an expression for future reference.
How to download the earnings list
As soon as the earnings list is available, the candidates can follow these steps to download the India Post GDS earnings list PDF:
Step 1: Visit the official website:
Step 2: Click the PDF link to the earnings list.
Step 3: Enter the required cancellation information, including the application number and date of birth.
Step 4: The India Post GDS earnings list 2025 PDF is displayed.
Step 5: Save the PDF on your desktop or laptop and use an expression as a reference.
Recruitment in several states
The India Post GDS Recruitment Process Will Cover of States, Including Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, ChhattiSgarh, Delhi, Gujarat, Haryana, Himacal Pradesh, Jammu and Kasmir, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, North East, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Westbengalen.
Salary details
Depending on the role, selected candidates are appointed to the GDS positions with a salary scale of 10,000 and 29,380 rupees per month.
Further information on the recruitment process can visit the official website: