
Internet-famous Weißkopfseadler had chicks in the live stream

People across the country have invested in the most unlikely 24/7 camera – one that shows the birth of baby eagles. Okay, I think that's not the strangest thing that it is ever in the opinion that we have all seen a few very strange things (look at you, look at you, Tiger king).

The latest sensation was this balance in Southern California. The Big Bear soon Eagle Cam, as they call it, fascinated the spectators with a close look at the life of Jackie and Shadow.

Video from Vice

The two birds became even bigger stars during their nest season. The family expanded on March 3 and 4 by two, which was an exciting moment for the live feed crew.

The most popular white -head lake eagles of all had chicks – and you can see them in the live stream

At this point you probably think: “Okay, that's cool and everything, but that's it?” These were not just a few random birds that appeared out of nowhere. Like every great reality show, there must be an action that pulls on the hearts of the spectators.

In 2023, the world was shown exactly the same situation when the cameras were set up for the first time. At that time, Jackie and Shadow prepared to welcome Beilinge. The observers saw the eggs in the nest and were eagerly waiting for the first crack and the subsequent beak.

Instead, something occurred from a Disney film opening assembly when Ravens attacked the nest. The eggs were eaten by the enemy birds. It was dramatic. It was heartbreaking. America was destroyed.

Fast lead by March 2024 and the context behind this recent hatch explains why so many people were invested in these 24/7 cam. It was an uplifting comeback story, well-being comeback. Therefore, more than a million views were registered on the film material.

The reporting is not over yet. There is a third egg in the nest that does not remain faulty. The Los Angeles Times reports that the next baby could arrive in another week.

I know I'll be included in this video, right?