
Is it a trend or does it have an impact on the veterinary society?

This article was written by a student writer from the campus in the Casper Libero Chapter.

Have you ever heard of a “pet mother”? Pet owners know exactly what it is. It turns out that this affection has become clearer in recent years because the introduction of domestic pets has increased significantly, and for this reason the possibilities of maintaining these animals have changed significantly.

It is time for society to recognize that the inclusion of domestic dogs and cats has developed due to the further development of medical technology and innovations in veterinary hospitals. As the saying says: those who love, take care of it, and we are always looking for the best for our four -legged favorites.

From the moment we decided to live with pets and to have a connected relationship, we have created a very similar bond that occurs between mothers, fathers and sons. In addition, it is undeniable that pets comfort us and create a feeling of pleasure and camaraderie when we are with them.

In this case, which was shown by the metropolises of the website, the 101-year-old Johanna Carrington adopted an 11-year-old Chihuahua. The lady always complained about loneliness, especially because she had already lost a pet – but to be honest, these cute situations happen quite often.

Pets instead of children?

Many couples who cannot choose another option or cannot choose: adopt a pet. In this way, the action of adoption simply goes far above a cat or a dog that produces an emotional bond that can provoke the feeling of motherhood or paternity. Unfortunately, it expects the puppy to behave like a child at this moment. But we have to remember that animals behave their way, eat differently and not speak.

Tinning for pets is a bad thing?

In an interview with vet Camila Gaetan de Nadai BeatoShe pointed out that this could mainly harm animals, which emphasizes an emotional dependency that can be created. “Humanizing and being careful are different things ”.

I haven't had this concern in the past. I can say that this happens due to the advertising relationship and the variety of veterinary positions that are very similar to medicine. Just like in humans, we have ophthalmologists, dermatologists and intensive care units for animals“She added.

As if that weren't enough, the ads sell pictures of families with pets in their perfect lifestyle: well hardened for a qualified health and well-being plan.

On the other hand, the specialist pointed out that this humanization does not stop the clinic and the experts from care. The more love an owner has for the animal, the more care he will take on and guarantee a healthy state with current vaccinations, food and exams.

The owner can also suffer not to understand that the animal lives differently than humans. “We have to understand that they are animals, that's what we love and be careful, but they live less and do well before we do it. “ says Camila.

What are the limits of humanized treatment?

The vet says that we have to take care of our emotional health. “There must be good care, especially because it is a family member. But we also have to take care of our and their emotions. They suffer, but they don't speak.“”

Humanization of pets is not just a “fad”, but something that has to be discussed and clearly understood by society, since it is a topic that requires a two -track approach.

There are positive aspects for their well -being, the further development of veterinary medicine and the progressive appreciation of animals as family members.

However, the owners must understand the boundaries between “dog” and “people”, since both have different rooms and ways of life. Avoid disappointment and dependence on both parties. Nevertheless, humanization can be an advantage for both the pet and the owner, as long as there is a balance to understand the needs of every person.


The above article was edited by Beatriz Gatz.

The above article was translated by Julia Tortoriello.

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