
Is it illegal to record audio or video on a surveillance camera? Facts you should know

Our expert recommendations for surveillance cameras and other smart home cams include models with the possibility to use two-way audio and storage of safety videos. This is useful to have quick conversations or to call out a unruly pet. However, if you want to save home videos, you must take into account the privacy of others.

Data protection laws often concentrate on grasping what people do or say. Therefore, buyers of security cameras have to consider which laws apply if you want to record your front door or save videos from friends, babysitters, pet-sitters and others. Current laws have important data protection limits that you have to respect, or you could end up in serious legal difficulties. You need to know the following and how you can safely record audio and video.

To read more: Do you want better security at home? Never put your cameras in these places

Public vs. private surveillance

The Lorex monitoring camera is located in a white shelf in a white space next to a plant and various minimalist decor.

Common sense in relation to privacy can keep them out of great difficulties.


Let us first talk about the most important rule when recording videos (everywhere). The standard that the dishes have widespread is referred to as “appropriate expectation of privacy” and is very, very important.

You can set up in your home in general security Kams you want, but you cannot affect the appropriate expectation of a person after privacy. In practice, this depends on how people use rooms. The measurement of living rooms, inputs, kitchens or dining rooms is okay, since these rooms are “public” places that are used by everyone in the house and are generally clearly visible.

However, setting up a camera to record videos in a bedroom, a bathroom or changing room is usually regarded as illegal without express consent, even in your own home. People expect a higher level of privacy in these areas and the law agrees. Minor/dependent restrictions also apply: Parents can monitor their baby's bedroom, for example. In case of doubt, however, apply the rule of adequate expectation of privacy. If you need cams in more private areas, you should deactivate them when the guests are over.

The expectation of privacy is even more important if neighbors look at them on them on them. Nobody can film them without their permission to private property, such as filming their garden or on their windows.

One against the two-party approval

A woman holds a smartphone while speaking with it.

Audio data protection laws are particularly strict if you want to save camera audio talks.

Luis Alvarez about Getty

Let us now turn to the major rule in the audio recording that are your local consent laws. Due to the federal wiretap law and the similar laws, the states are divided into consent laws for a party and two parties/all parties. In a division state such as Colorado, Tennessee or Texas, a side of the conversation must result in the consent that makes it legal to take up telephone calls, to which you have part and (theoretically) two-way audio conversations via a camera.

In two -party conditions such as California, Florida or Michigan, both or all Pages must give their consent to recognize their preservation. It is never Legal to record a conversation in which nobody gives approval.

This consent is usually an oral confirmation at the beginning of a call or a separate confirmation that the consent was submitted. Justia has a guide that breaks off the rules according to the individual condition in which you can find further information.

Four tips for recording videos in your home

The Lorex monitoring camera is located in a white shelf in a white space next to a plant and various minimalist decor.

The video recording is legal in your home as long as you respect privacy.


Let us break down the video recording, a main goal to install a surveillance camera in your house. Today's cameras use motion detection and often have video storage options to automatically save video clips for local memory and the cloud when you see people. These steps will help you know what to do.

Step 1: Check your state laws

Surveillance laws can vary depending on the state. So if you want to remain safe, you must first look up the laws in your own state. State websites, local law firms and others frequently summarize these laws so that they can save time. Here a breakdown of the California law is an example.

States may have specific laws to hide surveillance cameras on how to use surveillance camera records in court and if you need permits for certain types of security cameras. A few minutes of reading can give you important parameters that you can follow. The California law mentioned above contains, for example, a specific language about “intention to penetrate privacy” and the intention to look at “body or underwear” in order to clarify what is not allowed.

Step 2: Follow the “appropriate expectation of privacy”

Do not record a video in an area where people expect privacy. Keep the recordings on common areas such as inputs, verands and primary rooms.

Step 3: (for tenants) let the owner inform about cameras

On the whole, property owners have the right to install surveillance cameras on their private property, including the inner houses they own. You usually don't need permission either. If you not The owner of ownership, the law can be taken with you that you record video.

When renting, contact the owner of the property if you want to install a surveillance camera and notify it, whereby you would like to receive written permission if possible. Sometimes leasing contracts have more specific information about who is responsible for security systems, while other rental contracts have more scope. Tenants usually have the right to install their own surveillance cameras to observe the personal space that they legally rent. But to let the owner know, future problems can be reserved.

Step 4: Notify the guests via cameras, including short -term rentals

If you have guests, hire a nanny or have a friend lined for a few weeks, let them know that they have surveillance cameras, no matter where they are. It is polite and avoids every chance that they will be accused of hiding cameras and recordings without consent.

Important NOTE: Other regulations can apply under certain circumstances. The best example is Airbnb, which in March 2024 from Airbnb hosts banned in March 2024 the use of central defense cameras (video doorbells, etc. should still be okay). Previously, Airbnb had approved the use of interior cameras in some regions as long as the guests were notified. The rules changed – so it is important to follow the details if they are not sure about the law.

Four tips to record audio in your house

A smartphone that shows the view of a Lorex camera.

Apps often offer opportunities to record or deactivate audio.


The audio recording is a different animal than video recording: it has more legal effects and is traditionally often used as evidence in court. When Audio is involved, people have additional protection. Our rules will help you to stay within the limits of the law.

Step 1: Check your state laws (but this time even closer)

Find out whether your state is an agreement with a party or two parties and check whether it has a special language about the recording of audio, listening and similar situations.

Step 2: Caution If your camera can record audio

With Camera apps you can often absorb audio. For example, if you have a ring protection plan, you can usually record and download video and audio from a ring doorbell and download it, then keep it up, or share it with others. Eufy also gives you the opportunity to record audio when a video is recorded.

However, recording audio without consent is a risk of exceeding a red line from Audio Law, even if it is automatic. It is often due to users to go to apps and deactivate audio functions for legal security. Even if a home comrade has theoretically stressed audio, it may not be used in court and could lead to counter suits or other problems.

Step 3: Get yourself or give consent for a recording

If you really want to record Audio, you will find a device that can do this and make sure that people give the consent to be recorded. We suggest to receive the permission from both sides of a conversation in division states with one -party falling, just to remain safe and polite. For example, telephone interviews are carried out.

Step 4: Avoid false preliminary walls if you record someone

The Federal Law prohibits talks with criminal or malicious intentions, and many state laws confirm this with similar formulations. Avoid an accidental appearance of blackmail or similar plan. This includes all efforts to get someone to have a specific conversation or to say certain words, or to do it as if they are someone they are not when they speak to another person.

What about outdoor surveillance cameras?

The Arlo Pro 5S 2K camera positions one hand on the white house equipment outdoors.

The data protection laws also apply to outdoor camera with a few additional considerations.


Surveillance cameras are still on your property (or you should be) and usually fall under the same laws as interior cameras. As long as surveillance cameras are generally exposed to public bodies – the front of your house, sidewalks and streets – you fall well into the law. If you are the owner, you also have the right to film your garden and other parts of your property.

However, you cannot film areas in which other people have an appropriate expectation of privacy. This means that you cannot film a camera's garden or an angle so that it can take up over its windows. Many cameras have data protection zones and other tricks with which you can avoid spying on someone yourself.

The same rules for audio also apply to cameras outdoors. You need a declaration of consent or two parties to record talks. Security companies skip this anger by only allowing live audio. Therefore, for example, you can talk through your video town, but you cannot record to record conversations.

Finally when you Are Rent, make sure that in our guide you can drop by the best safety devices and tips when you live with roommates, which creates another headache when people enter their personal space.