
Is Tuberville for the governor … from Florida?

State Senator Sam Givhan finally said that the quiet part will go out loud: Is Tommy Tuberville really about to run for the governor -from his 6 million dollar -beach house in Florida?

The question is that Alabama Politicos since Tuberville whispered the idea of ​​Washington's trade against Montgomery. But Givhan did not whisper on Huntsvilles. He bluntly put it out: a modest house in Auburn does not cut it.

“As far as the governor, we still got a question first because it is not enough to have a house in Alabama,” said Givhan. “I mean, you have to live here for seven years … so it will be a hurdle.”

And what a hurdle it is – especially when the paper path shows directly to Florida's white sand and blue water.

For one thing, Givhan doesn't sound convinced. During a recent interview about Huntsvilles WVNN, he asked whether Tuberville's residential arrangements would be examined – and feared that a mess could open the door for “crackpots” via the residence.

He doesn't go wrong – but the problem is more involved than it looks.

APR has excavated real estate records, legal submissions and public documents to determine where Tuberville has actually called at home in the past seven years. If he really intends to enter the racing of a governor against well-financed competitors, he must undoubtedly prove: his legal, primary residence in Cherry Street in Auburn-not on the Old Beach Road in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida.

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It gets hard. Because the paper track – and the optics – are not on its side.

Let's start with the basics. The house in Auburn is a modest 1,500 square meter house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms in a bourgeois neighborhood near Auburn University. It belongs to Tuberville's wife Suzanne and his son Tucker and worth almost 400,000 US dollars.

Compare this with the 4,000 square meter, on the beach on the Old Beach Road in Florida worth around $ 6 million, which Tuberville has had for two decades.

And here is the kicker: In an ESPN interview from 2017, Tuberville itself sounded as if the beach house is exactly where it belongs.

“Six months ago, after 40 years of coaching football, I was with the White Sands and Blue Water to Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, to Santa Rosa Beach,” said Tuberville in the video recorded in July 2017 – the Cherry Street House was bought in the same year.

It doesn't end there.

Legal documents from the purchase of another introduction to Florida Condo for Tuberville from Tuberville's main residence as the same old beach street villa. The Auburn house? Not mentioned.

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This Auburn House has already attracted the attention of the media. In 2023, The Washington Post reported that Tuberville had sold his last Alabama real estate. At that time his spokesman insisted that Tuberville mainly lived at home in Cherry Street.

Explanation of the speaker? The house was bought for Tucker when he was in Auburn. But this timeline did not quite turn out: the purchase came after Tucker graduated and about a year before Tuberville's younger son began there.

When The contribution pointed out the inconsistency, changed history. The spokesman then claimed that Tucker lived there briefly, whereupon Tuberville himself and had it his main residence in 2017.

Meanwhile, Tuberville was his life in Florida on the national television.

Further documents will surely appear, and the law of Alabama is clear: the candidates for the governor must have been the residents of the state for seven years. This question does not disappear and national media will ask Alabama reporters ::

Where does “coach” really live?