
It all started with the baby boomers

If you look at the old pictures and the story of Park City, it is obvious that the currently overwhelming growth trends started with the baby boomers in the early 1960s. The city was a down-and-out spirits in which only the most determined miners held in the late 50s when people had the new idea of ​​skiing as a future.

The concept started with a gondola loan from the JFK administration in 1963 and some new blood in the city. The boomers moved in and gave the tone as they became vertical risk capital providers, unwanted entrepreneurs and promiscuitive pulse. They bought main taxes for back taxes and built a few funky friendly small ski areas. The rest is history.

Common Folklore claims that the Beatles have become popular in the reserved post -war at the same time to rebuild the surroundings before the JFK attack from 1963 threw the world into a noticeable radio.

The guys from Liverpool triggered the world with their boots and pony and their disrespectful energy and joy. With their Mozartian music, and Andy Warhol Artistry they developed and drove on how most good artists and regular breakers should. Mix sex, drugs and rock n roll and you were a phenomenon that was waiting to be passed.

Musically, the Beatles influenced the boomers from Sinatra to Elvis, Chuck Berry to Buddy Holly, Hendrix to Clapton, Dylan to the dead, Joni to Janice, the beach boys to Bruce, the doors to the stones, the Who to Led Zeppelin, the police, the Pearl jam, the speaking minds of Nirvana. And the beat continues.

They reinvented pop music and stated the tone for music, culture, politics and social norms of the 1960s.

It makes no difference whether the Beatles listed this Boomer anchor or followed as the figurehead of the generation. They were in the right place at the right time, just like the boomer in Park City. The times changed.

In the meantime, Boomer weathered in Park City the local recessions and enjoyed personal prosperity, bought frozen and sale of high. We were born in Schwarzweiß in the 50s, grew up in the psychedelic, framework, celebrated wild in the 1970s, in the 1980s with great prisoners of war, built houses in the blooming 90s, married to the Olympic '00S, illustrated children in the Vailien' 10s '20S' 20S. What a trip.

We became Olympic and customer-oriented gourms, invented fatty skis and fast chair lifts, snowboards, snow preparation and snow care, mountain bikes, e-bikes and e-cars, erogenous zones and flying drones, hip and knee replacement, vaccinations and extended vacation, as is necessary.

Ganja was legalized, validated and confirmed. And we became a new gummy bearing design, together with microonians, micro-breweries, designer tequilas and single paint Scotch. We all selected our poison.

The coffee went from a nickel -a cup to 5 US dollars, the same price as gas, and ski trees went from $ 5 to $ 300 per day. This is progress.

Park City became a real city when the people of this quality of life followed after telepping. The development was rampant and rough, while enemy, strongly armed company takeovers were de Rigueur.

Houses were for purchase and selling houses. Boomer generally became rich in equity, but poor for life -critical consumption materials such as clean air, water and accommodation for everyone. The livelihood was up to the past, while affordable apartments were not to be done.

But we had a good run. We drove best; You can have the rest.

Now we are on the abyss of another Grand Funk of the generation in which the middle class was beaten and the country is shared by a team of oligarchs that Putin would blush.

Boomer striving for sustainability, but continue to grow. We take care of a future with pessimistic reluctance to endure solutions instead of optimistic determination.

You say you want a revolution? Maybe it starts with the music, the new music or the old Beatle melodies. We just say that he gives peace a chance. But I trust that this generation will prevail as we did. All you need is love. Hopefully you will find the joy and balance we have made. In the end, the love you take corresponds to the love you make.

Mathew Lindon lives in Snyderville. See his website: Waterandwh