
It feels like the spring season is almost da-Lake County Record-Bee

My front garden is full of green on onions that I planted two years ago. Starting them from the veranda from the veranda simply does not make them bloom. Maybe when I close my eyes, I can see the iris in full life color.

The garden is full of damp leaves that need the rocking before I go out and sit. The rain must also stop so I can get the chair cushions out. Hang up the hammock again.

Am I impatient for the warm weather of spring? You bet!

I am waiting for my income tests to be received (hopefully the cuts at the social security offices will not delay them) and as soon as I do it, I go to Big Mama's Garden Supply in Nice to get bags with soil changes. The guy at Big Mamas will put her in my trunk, but will he follow me home and bring her out of the suitcase into the garden? Doubtful. Maybe I can get my cats to do it.

A friend starts basil and lettuce plants for me. This is exciting, so I have to prepare the soil for you.

I have too many high trees that borders on my property that reduce sunlight in order to make everything thrive. A few years ago I was able to grow green beans, Swiss chard, zucchini and others. The zucchini that I grown last year looked like it was going well except that it never produced zucchinis. Something, only male plants and no females. If I were growing this year, I will plant a bunch in the hope that I will get one of every gender.

When I lived in Southern California, I grew everything from Kantalupen to corn. Most of the time, the corn never made it into the kitchen, I ate it directly in the garden. A Kantaloupe was as big as my head. And super cute. I also had orange trees that I met a second type of orange on them and grapefruit. There was also a plum tree and my favorites, a nectarin tree.

Under no circumstances can I duplicate something with the huge mulberry tree, which takes the room with a few oak trees the rest of the farm. There are advantages of the mulberry, it shadows the house and keeps it cool during the blasty summer heat. The other mulberry tree in the front yard also helps to keep things cool. When autumn comes and its leaves are yellow, it is as if they were touched by magic.

Yellow is now my favorite color. Unfortunately, all leaves are now brown and muddy. I called the young elders from the saints of the past few days to get back to rake my garden. They are super nice and when four of them appear, I know that I get the help I need. They have been helping me for several years. Different oldest arrive when you go to your next mission. You will not take any money, but I try to have soda on hand.

In this autumn they swept pockets from yellow leaves. Instead of placing the leaves in the green waste container, they have filled sacks with leaves in the back of their car.

“What do you do with them?” I asked.

“We will spread them in a friend's house,” they laughed.

I found a good joke as long as they cleaned them up. “Photographing!” I called them when they went.

It turned out that the young men were fully grown or decided that it was not as funny as the first thought.

What can a girl do? Hopefully they bring the bags into the back yard and maybe even distribute the floor in the garden boxes!

Lucy Llewellyn Byard welcomes comments and shares. To contact your e -mail

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