
Jamestown Mobile Market Farm stock Start Friday

Delivery of the community supported agricultural objects to St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Registrations for a food program that supports the Jamestown Mobile Market Open this Friday.

Food Access Manager Nickh said that the Community -supported agriculture (CSA)Or Farm Share program is a collaboration with farmers from the public market. “And offers you an additional way to achieve customers who may not be able to create the Saturday market and support them with this additional program. Registrations begin on February 28th. We have some size options and we will carry out add-on options again this year, including eggs, meat options, mushrooms, and we are still looking for a bread seller to help you deliver some of these CSA options. “

Weight said that the proceeds from the agricultural share help costs on the mobile market and keep food prices for individuals and families low. Snap/EBT.

The options for the farm components cost $ 225 for half a share (entertaining size), which is good for one or two people.

Weit also added that people who register, weekly e -mails are obtained about which products can be expected: “And we usually close some recipes to give them some ideas for some of the products that may not be used with know how to cook. “

Weits said that the CSA would run for 16 weeks from June to October. He said they also hope to offer a CSA again in autumn.

To learn more about the CSA/Farm Share program or from Friday, February 28th