
Jesy Nelson reveals twin pregnancy complications in emotional video

Jesy Nelson is overjoyed to expect identical twins, but in a video she and her friend Zion Foster showed that pregnancy also corresponds to some scary complications.

In the emotional clip, which was posted on Instagram on Wednesday (March 5), the Little Mix Alaun opened the medical concerns with which it is currently exposed to when it comes to their babies, which, as she reveals, are monochorionic/diamniotic twins – that they have a placenta while they have separate amniotics sacrons University. “Usually most twins have two placentas from which they escape, but if they have mono/di twins, this means that their twins live from a placenta, which can lead to many complications,” said Nelson and spoke to the camera while sitting next to her partner.

“A baby could take all the nutrients, the other does what – really terrible to say – could lead both babies to die,” the singer continued and fought back against tears as foster comforted her by loving her arm. “At the moment I am currently in front of the TTTS level, which is twin-to-twin transfusion. I am very closely monitored, I have to be scanned twice a week. ”

John Hopkins Medicine defines the twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome or TTTS as a rare state of pregnancy that affects identical twins if its common network of blood vessels in the placenta is unbalanced. A twin could give away more blood than it receives, causing malnutrition and organ failure, while the other twin receives too much blood and becomes “susceptible to revising the heart and other heart complications”.

In Nelson's case, she says that the condition every time she has gone to the doctor to go to the doctor. “But we hope and pray only for the best,” she added when Foster nodded. “We really feel blessed that we have received twins. It is just really sad that it is unfortunately associated with these complications that we had no idea about. ”

She added: “We really want to sharpen consciousness because there are so many people who don't know anything about it.”

The couple's update is almost two months after the artist “Boyz” on Instagram revealed for the first time that she had not expected one but two babies with foster. In a joint contribution that shows Nelson's baby bump, the couple wrote: “She eats 3rd now now”

Nelson and Foster have reportedly been switched on and off since January 2022. In August they published a song with the title “Mine”.

Observe how Nelson opens on your pregnancy complications below.