
Jonathan McKennedy quits a busy schedule for 2025 between tour modifications, supermodifieds -Speedway Digest

The modified and supermodified winner Jon McKennedy announced a full schedule for the 2025 racing season on Thursday. For 2025, McKenny will again take part in the tour type modifications and the supermodifieds that are mixed between several different departments with both classes.

McKennedy has planned about 35 races between all departments.

McKennedy's season begins on Saturday, March 29th, in the Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park for the Icebreaker Propan Plus 75 with the Monaco Modified Tri-Track series. It will be the first of 10 races with the Tri-Track series that McKennedy runs in 2025, which makes him full-time with a chase towards the series championship.

McKennedy is also said to carry out eight of the 16 events on the modified tour schedule of Nascar Whhelen, starting with Monadnock Speedway on May 3. He also becomes events on the Seekonk Speedway (May 31), White Mountain (June 28th), Monadnock (July 19), Thompson Speedway (August 6), New Hampshire Motorway (September 20), Thompson Speedway (October) and Martinsvisa (October 20), Thompson Speedway (October 12) (October 12) (October 12) (October 12) (October 12) (October 12) (October 22), Thompson Speedway (October 12) (October 12th)

McKennedy is also said to compete at selected Open Modified events, including the Northeast Classic on the New Hampshire Motor Speedway (April 12) and the prestigious Sizzler at the Stafford Speedway on April 27. He also plans to drive the modified racing series (MRS) on the Riverside Speedway on July 5 and the MRS event at Star Speedway on September 13th on September 13th on Starway on July 13th.

On the supermodified page, McKennedy is said to have four events with the International Supermodified Association-10. May (Jennstown) from July 11th to 12th (Berlin Raceway), August 15 (Lee USA) and from November 7th to 8th (Caraway Speedway).

He will also carry out the supermodified Race Bud Classic on the Oswego Speedway on August 31.

In the New England Supermodified Series (Ness), McKennedy is to take part in eight races. His Ness season begins on May 12th on the Star Speedway and also drives to White Mountain (May 18), Thunder Road (June 15), Star (June 15th), Oxford Plains (August 24), Star (September 13), Thunder Road (October 4) and Thompson (October 12).

“It will definitely be a busy season,” said McKennedy. “We look forward to all types of races. Two things I love are tour modifieds and supermodifieds. To have the people behind me in order to be able to lead both in some of the most competitive races in the country, it is a great honor. “

To keep up with the latest news about Jon McKennedy, visit and follow his athlete page on Facebook.

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