
Juvenile injured in Susanville Traffic Collision: Security tips for drivers and pedestrians

According to a statement by the Susanville police authority, the officials reacted to the intersection of the Main Street and the Grand Avenue to a report on a vehicle against the pedestrian traffic collision on Friday, March 14th.

An investigation is carried out in this traffic collision, and a teenager has been transferred to the banner with moderate injuries with moderate injuries.

The Susanville police authority would like to remind the public for the following tips for drivers and pedestrians

  • Do not accelerate and slow down at intersections. Be ready to stop at marked and not marked zebra drys for pedestrians. *
  • Avoid blocking zebra crossing while waiting to make a right hand.
  • Never be affected.

• Be predictable. Use signaled zebra crossing where the drivers can anticipate the pedestrian traffic.
• Pay attention to the approach to vehicles and practice the due care that crosses the street. At 30 miles per hour, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop.
• Saving the drivers easier to see them at night. Let us take a flashlight in practical flashlights, reflective material in practical flashlights.
• Be careful crossing the streets or entering crosswalks at night or on more busy roads with higher speed limits.

The SPD thanks the Susanville fire brigade, the Sierra Medical Services Alliance and the Sheriff office of the Lets County for their support in this incident.