
KCKFD strikes the high -rise building within minutes

Kansas City, Kan. (KCTV) – Kansas City, Kansa's firefighters deleted a tense situation on Thursday.

The call to help came from an apartment in the Victory Hills Tower in the 70th and parallel Parkway.

Firefighters received the call at 4:10 a.m. KCKFD was on site until 4:16 a.m. They came to sprinklers and had the fire at 4:28 a.m.

The fire was found in the window of the high house. With stairs and heavy equipment, it still took ten minutes for firefighters to get the flames – something they say requires careful planning from everyone involved.

“We have completed a lot of high-rise training lately. Not only on a strategic level, but also at tactical and tasks. I think this is a big reason why we could put the fire as quickly as we do. This fits our goal: life safety, stabilization of the incident and maintenance of property. We have reached all three today, ”said KCKFD ASST. Fire chief Scott Schaunaman.

The inmates on the 7th floor protected themselves on the spot, and nobody was injured. The woman who lives in the burned -out apartment on the 6th floor is temporarily expelled.

Also read: “Not sustainable conditions”: Evacuation period for residents of Cloverleaf apartments