
Keeping in El Paso in connection with the murder of Las Cruces, suspected to the hospital

The El Paso police authority has confirmed that 19-year-old Luciano Frias, who was the same person for murder from Las Cruces, New Mexico, who was taken to the hospital yesterday after a shootout of the officials.

The incident occurred near the intersection of America and Alameda around 2:13 p.m.

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According to the EPPD, the Lone Star searched fugitive task force for a criminal sought when they found someone who agreed with the description.

“When they met him, a weapon was asked, shots were fired, and the subject fled from a short distance and was taken into custody,” said Sergeant Robert Gomez with EPPD.

The man was then taken to the hospital with serious injuries due to gunshot wounds.

According to the EPPD, the examination has not yet been completed.

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