
Kendrick Lamar visits classes at the UCLA in newly thawed viral photos from 2022

Kendrick Lamar, the rapper awarded by Grammy, was participated in the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2022.

The photos that have recently appeared show that the artist sits in a classroom with casual clothing. In the pictures, Lamar seems to check his phone and take notes, which indicates his participation in the class.

The photos were divided by Tikok user @Alejandarainparis with the caption “POV: only a normal day on the UCLA”. In a follow-up comment, the user added that he did not recognize Lamar at the time of the photos, which only found his identity later.

The fans reacted quickly to the news when a few jokes divided the rapper to visit the lessons to master his pen while others were less surprised.

This message comes just a few weeks after Lamar's top-class performance at the Super Bowl half-time show 2025, which drew 133 million viewers and made it the most watched half-time performance in history.

Lamar also won Song of the year And Record of the year In the 2025 Grammy Awards for his trail “not how we”.