
La Guns share music video for the new song 'Lucky Motherf *** er' from the upcoming 'Leopard Skin' album

La weapons'New album, “Leopard Skin”will be released on April 4, 2025. The first fruit of marking will be marked La weapons'Reunification with Cleopatra RecordsA label that is known for its diverse squad and innovative approach to music production. The official music video for the second single of the LP, “Happy Motherfucker”What was directed by Jason Wischcan see below.

“There is the saying: 'A leopard never changes his spots'” ” La weaponsFounding guitarist Tracii cannons says. “But they still have a million different locations. And they are all unique. It is the same with La weapons. We cannot hand over our leopard skin, but there are many different places in this band. “

These spots run from early hymns like “Electric Gypsies”Present “Riss and tears” And “About the edge” indelible ballads like “It's over now” And “Jayne's ballad” to newer classics such as “Speed”Present “Cannonball” And now are the ten tracks that include the new album.

Not only “Leopard Skin” Hot on the heels of 2023 “Black diamonds” Album, but also La weapons'Fifth studio efforts in seven years, since the guitarist's core team and the band's founder Tracii cannons and singer Phil Lewis Reunification in 2017. “Leopard Skin”Like the last couple La weapons Draws on the close -meshed line -up of that insure themselves WeaponsPresent LewisBassist Johnny Martinguitarist Ace from Johnson and studio drummer Adam HamiltonBut beyond that, it is his own unique animal. True to the shape, it is a hard and loadful, hard nail La weapons Sentence. The music also presents the band best in their funniest, early and classic rock rock providers. And it is clear that you have a lot of fun playing.

Explained Tracii: “When we made records again in 2017, I wanted to be really aggressive. We had not released anything new in many years and had to concentrate on having an influence. This was a different approach. Musically, it was more about more about more James Brown and soul music with some sensitives of the 1970s – things like Joe Walsh And The rollers and the New York dolls. And the process was more organic. It was: “Here is a reef, do it. Let's see how many reefs we can build after this reef and then go to the next reef. '”

The results speak for themselves. You want a four-to-the-the-floor floor AC/DC-Stil stomper? Cue hymen opener “Try it”. Slippery radio rock? Try “Happy Motherfucker” or “Don't give me away”. Rollicking '70s style glam? Put in the needle “If you want”. Swamp-like grooves with guitar sleds? Press the Zep-tastisch “The mill”.

Where is this position La weapons in 2025? Tracii return “Leopard Skin”. “The song title “Happy Motherfucker” Everything says a bit, “he says.

He continues: “So the work morality gives what it should, you know what I mean? The fans stay excited, we stay excited and make slabs again and again. And as long as we have this opportunity and there is no place in the world, there is no reason to stop ever.”

“Leopard Skin” Track list:

01. Taste it
02. Happy motherfucker
03. The mill
04. Beat and run
05. Don't give me away
06. I am your candy
07. Out of control
08. Follow the money
09. The masquerade
10. If you want

Last July, Tracii Tell talking on the way to Rock Podcast Clint Switzer About the sound of La weapons'New LP: “It is different from the other data records. That is the thing La weaponsIs I never known what will come out? I don't know what mood I will be in or whatever, but I am really proud of what I could record. And all of the management and Phil And the boys, they freak out, like: “Where does this shit come from?” So, yes, I'm always most excited La weapons. It is the entire playground for me. I love it. “

La weapons'Latest studio album, “Black diamonds”came out in April 2023. It was the fourth studio album since the multi -layered reunification of the core foundation of the band Lewis And Weapons. The well -received studio albums followed “The missing peace”Present “The devil you know” And “Carded past”Plus the live publication “Made in Milan”And a cover EP “A Christmas party in hell”.

A settlement between drummer was reached in April 2021 Steve Riley And Weapons And Lewis About the rights to the La weapons Name. According to the provisions of the comparison agreement, Weapons And Lewis Further under the operating La weapons Brand, while Riley and his bandmates from the other version of La weapons were allowed to appear and record under the new name Rileys La Guns. Riley died in October 2023 at the age of 67.

La weapons was founded in 1983 and sold over six million records, including 1988's “La Guns” and 1990s “Excited and invited”Both were certified gold. “Excited and invited” contained the hit single “Jayne's ballad” That went to No. 33 Advertising board'S Hot 100 and No. 25 in the mainstream rock charts. From the mid -90s to the mid -2000s ,, La weapons toured on and published new music. After their successful performance Siriusxm'S Hair nation Festival in September 2016, La weapons went to the studio to record the record celebrated by the criticism “The missing peace”That was the highest publication for Frontier's music SRL 2017. Your 12th album, “The devil you know”was published for the same critical recognition in 2019. Since reunification, Tracii And Phil Tour around the world with La weapons.

Photo of Joe Schaeffer