
Las Cruces police clerk suspects at Lynch Drive at fatal shootings

The Las Cruces police arrested the man who was suspected of the fatal shootout of 36-year-old Justin Griffin on Wednesday.

The incident occurred on the 2100 block of the Lynch Drive, where the first aiders arrived in order not to react on the street.

The 41 -year -old Saul Camarena was arrested on Friday around 2 p.m. after the police found his whereabouts and found it in a house in the city's east.

Camarena is charged with an open number of murder and detained in the Dona Ana County Detung Center.

RELATED: Las Cruces the police examined a fatal shootout; The 36-year-old man found dead

Griffin suffered at least one firing wound and was declared dead on site.

The police believe that Camarena and Griffin were involved in some kind of argument that led to the shootings.

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