
Laurelton Center slump charges for the Union County Court | News

Lewisburg – All men involved in the theft of copper tube against one of the men and the cabling in the former Laurelton Center are led to the Union County Court.

In his two cases, Christopher Duane Hall, 41, from Garfield Street, New Kensington, waived preliminary hearings in front of the district judge of the Mifflinburg district, Jeffrey Mensch. In total, he looks seven crimes: three cases of burglary, two cases of criminal violations and theft of secondary metal and criminal disaster; And a summary number of defiant violation.

Hall is planned for a formal indictment in front of the judge of Union County, Michael Piecuch, at 8:30 a.m.

State Police Accuse Hall, Gerad Daniel Ogershok, 37, of Oak Street, Russellton, and Michael Shawn Klingensmith, 60, of FURER Drive, Sarver, of Breaking Into the Former Laurelton Center, AT 19200 Old Turnpike Road, Hartley Township, and Causing $ 12.000 WHILE TOON $ 7.150 Worth of Copper Pipes and Wire on Feb. 3.

On February 5, they returned in the 266 hectare vacant complex along Route 45 in the western end of Union County to repeat their theft, but were thwarted by the state police.

All three men remain detained in the Union County prison for different deposits.

– Justin Strawser