
LCRA announces the schedule for invasive system removal, discounts, discounts

A large invasive hydrilla mat stretches over the RR 1431 bridge in Kingsland in the summer of 2023. Personnel photo from Dakota Morrissiey

The Lower Colorado River Authority will reimburse up to 50 percent (a maximum of 7,500 US dollars) of the costs for the removal of invasive aquatic plants for municipalities along Lake, Lake LBJ and Lake Marble Falls in March and August. A strict schedule for the removal of herbicides in 2025 was also published.

Who can get a discount?

The discounts were limited to homeowners and owner associations as well as governments of the city and the district. They are not available to the individual property owners.

The discounts only apply to distance projects at Inks Lake, Lake LBJ and Lake Marble Falls.

What are the discounts for?

The discounts are available for projects, including herbicides or the mechanical removal of invasive aquatic plant species such as hydrilla, water hyacinth and Eurasian water milk foil. They cannot be applied to the removal of local aquatic plants such as Cabomba, Countain, American Pondweed, Wasserstern, Spatterdock and eelgrass.

How do I qualify?

In order to receive access to a discount, applicants must use a licensed water application applicant if herbicides are applied and a treatment proposal to the Department of Parks and Wildlife in Texas and the LCRA in order to receive approval in advance. Mechanical distance projects do not require a licensed specialist, but all projects must submit an input of work and proof of the TPWD approval of the treatment plan by September 15.

A TPWD treatment proposal form (found here), a map that delimits the proposed treatment area, and photos of the invasive plant must begin to and before a treatment plan can begin. Both agencies must answer within 14 days of receiving proposals.

Discount and treatment planning

The residents of Highland Lakes can remove mechanically invasive water plant species in every season, but the herbicides defined by the LCRA may only be carried out during the exact position of the proposed project.

Discounts only apply to herbicide projects that were carried out in their designated window between March 24 and August 23. Mechanical projects can receive discounts if they are carried out at any time between March 10 and August 31.

The LCRA has shown three different zones between the falls of Inks Lake, Lake LBJ and Lake Marble, which determine the four specific herbicide treatment windows, to which it must be adhered to, regardless of whether a project is looking for a discount or not.

To see where your property falls in these treatment zones, the deadlines for the approval of the treatments and the windows for treatment on the middle of this LCRA website you will find the interactive card.