
Lead today with the creation of your excuse on the opening day – just for fun

The fans are already preparing with less than three weeks before the Home Open from Minnesota Twins. Travel plans, Pregame Bar Meetups, Jersey selection – The list continues.

But what will you tell your boss?

Some read this could have the luxury of taking half or full day free time, but many don't. Now it is time to get your bald heads. As a wise man once said: “Desperation is a stinking Cologne.” Do not wait at noon until noon to develop a half -hearted scratchy neck. Now prepare your wild falsehood so that you can deliver it with confidence and conviction at the appropriate hour.

A advice:

  • If you play the sick relative card, make sure this is the case NOT an immediate family member. People will remember it. Aunt Kathryn has really bad the sciatica and we have a benefit dinner for you in the church basement. There, finished and pollinated.

  • Make the “appointment” so mysterious in your schedule that you do not ask any further questions. Could be a medical cause you don't want to talk about. Could be for your child. Nothing is concerned and they were shouted at by HR's HR department via Hipaa.

  • If you are the one who will be “sick”, start the chatter “There is an evil new mistake that runs around”. Your neighbor has had it for a week and won't get any better what your employees know.

The nightmare scenario performs your production without errors just to come across your boss in the game. Fortunately, the solution remains the same as always:

  1. Look straight into the eye.

  2. Say: “You are wrong, I don't know who it is and I don't know who you are.”

  3. Call a place to remove it from the target field. Since a new life in a new city with a new name for Jon Hamm in Mad Men worked, a new life and this show were won over a number of awards. Believe in yourself.

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