
Leave us with leaky gas cylinder – divisional fire officer

A deputy department officer I (ADO I), Michael Kwame, district commander of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), advised the citizens to be careful with leaky gas cylinders.

He explained that the best that could do users to change the damaged controller and if the damage was serious to give up this cylinder to avoid explosion.

“Don't keep your gas bottles in your room and keep them outside,” he added.

Ado I Kwame gave this advice during a community engagement in Pampawie, a agricultural community in the Kadjebi district of the OTI region.

He also advised the farmers' community to create fire belts in their cleared arable land before the burning sensation in order to avoid bush fires and their devastating effects.

The district commander said: “Fire is a good servant, but a bad master” if he is not checked and properly used.

Ado I Kwame also advised the residents to ensure that fires are completely deleted before they remain unattended, keep combustible materials away from heat sources, overloaded electrical transactions and extension cables and dispose of cigarettes and correspond properly.