
Legislative update – by Melanie Kalmanson

In Florida's legislation, there are several legislative templates in connection with the death penalty. Here is the status of pending laws in connection with the death penalty in the new week.

Photo of the Supreme Court of Florida and Florida Capital by Aerial Tallahassee

Like the legislation of 2023, which expanded the capital penalty to non-homicide sexual crimes against children, this legislation is intended to expand the capital penalty to non-homicide human trafficking. I originally posted this legislation on Thursday. (Read Here.))

According to my original contribution, a similar invoice was submitted in the Senate (SB 1804). You can read more about the Senate's bill Here.

There are no further measures on one of the two draft laws at the time of this article.

A number of draft laws that were submitted to the House of Representatives and the Senate on February 17 are trying to add an aggravating factor for capital crimes against head of state. My original contribution to this legislation can be found Here. When the invoices were submitted, the sponsors sponsored the following press release:

On Wednesday last week, the house law was transferred to the subcommittee for criminal justice and the Justice Committee.

On Friday, the Senate's draft law was shown to the Committee on Criminal Justice, Funds for Criminal and Civil Justice as well as fiscal policy.

An invoice submitted in the house (HB 693) tries to add an aggravating factor for capital crimes that are committed at certain meetings. My original contribution to this legislation can be found Here.

A similar draft law has been submitted in the Senate since my original contribution on February 21 (SB 984). You can read more about the Senate's bill Here.

On Wednesday last week, the house law was transferred to the subcommittee for criminal justice and the Justice Committee.

On Friday, the Senate's draft law was transferred to the criminal judicial committee, the appropriation committee for criminal and civil justice as well as financial policy.

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