
Legislature of Florida 101: How you can take your message to the legislator in Florida

Say you want to tell the legislator in Florida. It could be an invoice that should support or oppose them. It could be a problem that thinks they are important and ignore them. But the process is confusing and you don't know where to start. WFSU can help. This week we broadcast our legislature 101 series in Florida – think about it as a short guide for the process. Today we have tips from experts about how members of the public can hear their voices.

Jane Johnson, Bill Montford and Karen Woodall know the legislation well.

Montford is a former state senator; He is CEO of the Florida Association of District School Superintendents. Johnson has retired from decades of lobbying, mainly in relation to health and human services. Woodall is the managing director of the Florida People's Advocacy Center and represents groups such as the coalition of the Immocalee worker.

All three indicate the legislative employee as the first contact point. Montford says that if you want to be part of a topic, it is crucial to build a relationship with these employees.

“We should never underestimate their value,” he said. If you have running time restrictions, your employees – and lobbyists, honestly – have a lot. Lots of information. “

Woodall says that the legislator and their employees need to know who they are, what they are interested in and that they will hear from them.

“The employees are goalkeepers,” she said. “They let them in – or not. You deliver your message – or not. And you have to respect them and know that they also have the member's ear for which they work and they can help them. “

The house and the Senate have directories for the search for the desired legislator or the desired law as well as its current work and history. Go to these pages to find the employee contacts.

Johnson believes that e -mails are preferable to the call because the call volume can be really difficult to manage. And she says, before turning, think about who you call or send an e -mail and what your workload looks like.

“And the legislative – they drink from a fire hose in the weeks before the legislative period and throughout the legislative session,” she said. “So you don't want to take much time. Send your message as soon as possible.”

Montford also emphasizes the brevity. Keep it briefly and factually, he says. And show both sides and explain why your is the better way to vote.

“Because again, there are always both sides a problem,” he said. “If not, it wouldn't be up there anyway. Do your homework! You have to know your opponents out there and know that you are as real as you are in relation to the problem.”

Johnson recommends that her discussion points are written before making a call or writing an e -mail. She says not to attack or insult, because they could poison the fountain for any continuous relationship that could have them with this person.

“If it is something you're really upset about, that's okay,” she said. “It's good because it motivated you to contact her. But try to turn positively and give some suggestions and say: “I write them about it. And I have some concerns about it. I think there is a different way how we can do it. 'Or “I want to share my personal perspective about it.” Don't say: 'You didn't know what you do in Tallahassee!' “

And Woodall says that they don't just come to Tallahassee and go to a meeting of the committee to speak without laying the basics.

“It is really important to have spoken to the legislator or staff of the legislator before the committee meeting,” she said. “I'll speak. Here is my concern. Give them a handout. This is us. This is who our organization is. 'It is this advocacy in front of the committee meetings that can really do something. “

In view of the Republican superpower in Tallahassee, says Woodall, it could feel as if the vote on many legislation is predetermined. But there are other advantages to show yourself.

“You don't just speak to these legislators. They talk to the public who may watch it on the Florida Canal, “she said.” You talk to the press that hears there. You talk to the leadership that has the people who watch these meetings … “

And remember that you can only get 30 seconds or a minute on the podium in a committee meeting. So get ready with your elevator speech. You can even use it in the elevator.