
Life in the pavilion (ect day 55)

  • Hiked today: 28.6 miles
    • The Florida Trail (922 – 950.6)
  • Total hike: 1,161.5 miles
  • Totally paddled: 99.5 miles

Weather: cloudy, 47-67 ° F.

Height: low = 12 feet, high = 134 feet

Walsingham Bridge to the Sandpond campsite

I was the first to get started, but it seemed that the specifications would be close behind. Today's hike consisted of beautiful hiking and forest roads, then about 12 miles not as much, busy road and then again nice to the camp. I started alone, but saw many hikers today (at least for the Florida Trail).

Nice horseshoe.

I turned everything around the water drop pictures this morning. It had rained quite steadily overnight, so it was phenomenal that we had the pavilions to sleep and put it in.

Life in the pavilion (ect day 55)

I got into a few hills this morning! This inspired me to start the low point and the climax for the day. I was curious. The Mega hills contained a beautiful pine forest with a needle -covered floor and Moss spots. The moss appeared as two different shades of bluish green, all of which were interspersed with each other. Sumi liked the moss.

Next came a gigantic part of the previous, cut forest. The trees were all small and now allowed a big view.

The path injury is in the photo up to the lake. Near the water there were some weird -looking trees that the birds seemed to love. A few of them flew around and tweeted their calls. Make sure your sound is switched on …

Then I took a nice second breakfast stop. The machine passed and when I was done, specifications also caught me. We went together for the rest of the way to the paved road.

We were in sight on the Große Strasse most of the time. Machine ahead, he has the quick pace I noticed.

Shortly before noon, I made it to a gas station, which rumors claimed in our app, really good brath chicken. When I opened, there was a machine with two other hikers, Mexican lip balm and cat. After a little catch -up they moved on and we got something hot … it hit the point!

I chose the three chicken fingers and the biscuit combination and then made a ranch. Mmmm

When I was on the way again, it got a bit puddling, but I managed to make it with mainly dry feet.

I saw these hills everywhere. I don't know what makes her, but it makes me think of Mario Kart. There is a route where you can racing where large moles get out of the surface and always bring me to a crash.

The last bit was a particularly flawless pine palm forest. It led me to the Sandpoint Campground. There I discovered the machine in which I ended a conversation with the Camp host. We were to assume that they allowed the FT hikers to build here for the night free of charge. The rumors were true! And there were even outlets, bathrooms, showers and a huge pavilion that could sleep underneath!

After all, there would be five cowboy camping under the pavilion … machine and I, specifications, cats and lip balm. It was a strenuous day and people took showers and mostly made their own thing, but it was fun to have people around for a change!

Albums of the day:

“On any EP (2025)” by Caamp

“Boys (2018) from Caamp

Finished audio book:

“Hollow City: The second novel by Miss Peregrine's strange children”

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