
Local students recognized for video projects.

The students of the Arcata High School, Lela Broughton and Autumn Pires-Moore, became the C-Span in the annual StudentCam competition for the C-Span's award winners and receive $ 250 for his video “Tell the President that he keeps our food security.

C-Span also recognized Adam Pinkerton, an educator at the school who worked as a consultant in the student competition.

In cooperation with its cable and satellite television partners, C-Span asked the middle and upper level students, the topic “Your message to the president: What is the most important thing for you or your community?” Address?

In this 21st year, this project -based learning experience called for the students to explore and analyze matters of personal, local or national importance. In response to this, C-Span received over 1,700 entries and almost 3,500 students took part from 42 states and Washington, DC, DC

“Congratulations to all incredibly talented young students who won prizes in this year's competition. Through incoming research and interviews with a number of current and technical experts, you have created effective short stories that record questions of great public interest and importance, ”said Craig Mcandrew, Director of Education Relations from C-Span. “Your documentaries have set a very high bar for future StudentCam filmmakers, and you should be proud that your work will inspire your colleagues and promote thoughtful considerations of all target groups. We can't wait to see what they do next. “

Students of the high school took part at the regional level, with the United States divided into three regions: East, Central and West. Students of the middle school were judged nationally. The 150 winnings can be viewed at

The annual student cam competition is financed by the C-Span Education Foundation. The videos were evaluated by a group of educators and C-span representatives, based on the thoughtful examination of the topic of the competition, the quality of the expression, the inclusion of different pages of the topic of documentary and an effective inclusion of C-span programming.