
Local Ukrainians react to the screaming match between the President Trump and Zelensky

Milwaukee – A shouting match between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in the Oval Office broke out on Friday.

It happened during her first meeting since Trump took office and it is an interaction that contaminated the local Ukrainians in the southeast of Wisconsin.

Julia Demaree Nikinson/AP

The then candidate Donald Trump meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Friday, September 27, 2024, in New York in the Trump Tower.

“We are angry, amazed, maybe scared,” said Karina Tweedell, board member of Wisconsin Ukrainian Inc. “It is really difficult to see that the President of Ukraine can be seen for everything that Ukraine has endured.”

Karina Tweedell

TMJ4 News

Karina Tweedell is a board member for the Ukrainians of Wisconsin. She is “afraid” after watching the exchange between President Trump and Zelensky.

The leaders of the world met on Friday in the hope of coming to an agreement that would give the US minerals of Ukraine in exchange for security guarantees for Ukraine access to Ukraine.

The deal seemed to be derailed after the meeting, whereby President Trump called President Zelensky ungrateful.

“I was speechless and still processed this interaction, which was so incredible, but the people in Ukraine were and are our chosen officials who are with Ukraine, so gratefully,” said Tweedell.

Trump Zelenskyy

Mystyslav Chernov/AP

President Donald Trump, right, meets with the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the Oval Office of the White House on Friday, February 28, 2025.

All of this comes three years after the invasion of Russia in Ukraine and weeks after the US leaders with Russian leaders had guided through a peace agreement without contributions to Ukraine.

“I would say that it is almost as if we forget that Russia is the attacker here,” said Tweedell.

Now Karina says that the Ukrainians are worried about what could come next.

Clock: The local Ukrainians react to the Shouting Match between the President Trump and Zelensky

Local Ukrainians react to the screaming match between the President Trump and Zelensky

“At the moment I am aware of some families who live in fear because they are not sure what happens to their status here,” she said. “Of course, we all bombed all of us in Ukraine that are bombarded every day in Ukraine. My uncle is now in Kyiv and it is absolutely heartbreaking to think about what happens when the help for Ukraine stops.”

A tense exchange between two presidents now triggers fear and uncertainty of the Ukrainians in all of Wisconsin.

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